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Aqualog A-TEEM Autosampler Accessory

Introducing the NEW Fast-01 Autosampler accessory for batch measurements in many A-TEEM applications and for batch measurements in industrial QA/QC settings.

Сегмент: Scientific
Подразделение: Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Производитель: HORIBA Scientific
  • Speed, accuracy and precision
  • Sample vial temperature control
  • Plug and play temperature-controlled flow-cell sample compartment
  • Excellent repeatability and negligible carryover between samples
  • Fully integrated into Aqualog v4.2+ software


A-TEEM Molecular Fingerprinting is a new optical technique that is ideal for comprehensive component analysis in a variety of QC/QA applications, from water to wine to pharmaceuticals and beyond. It is a simple, fast, “column free” spectroscopic technique that simultaneously measures the absorbance, transmission and fluorescence of samples in solution and offers some unique benefits over traditional analytical techniques such as chromatography, mass spec IR and more. Learn more...

By connecting the new Fast-01 autosampler accessory to the HORIBA Aqualog® A-TEEM spectrometer it can greatly facilitate your routine batch liquid analysis.

The Fast-01 can be configured with either 10 ml vials (up to 24 of them) or 2 ml vials (up to 96 of them) to meet your application needs and features complete temperature control. Fluorescence is highly sensitive to temperature fluctuations, so clamping the temperature is critical for precise A-TEEM molecular fingerprinting.

Sample vial repeats and injection volumes are easily facilitated with the Aqualog 4.2+ software, which also offers preconfigured blank files.

All data files can be exported with ISO-formatted time-date stamping and user-configurable Sample ID and repeat codes.

All aspects of the Fast-01 hardware control are at your fingertips, within the Aqualog software, with key real-time access features to facilitate the configuration and execution of your batch experiments, as well as priming, cleaning and maintenance.


Vial/Well Selection

The Method Setup section of the Aqualog Sample Q software allows the user to establish which vials are Sample, Blank or unused. This configuration shows the display
for the two available trays of 12 each, of the 10 ml vials.

Experimental Method

The Method Setup section of the Aqualog Sample Q software allows the user to enable temperature control, temperature equilibration, wash counts and flushing parameters.


Vial Temperature Range4° to 40° C (Peltier-controlled)
Vial Racks/PlatesPlease select with your order:
Option 1: 10 ml vials in 1 or 2 trays of 12 vials (up to 24 vials total)
Option 2: 2 ml vials in 1 or 2 trays of 48 vials (up to 96 vials total)
Vials10 ml septum screw cap
Injection Syringe2.5 ml standard
ValveValco 0.75 bore valve
Sample Injection Loop10 mL SS sample loop, 1/8” tubing with 1/16” tubing ends and fittings (Valco): (for 10 ml vials)
Vial Dimensions (incl. cap)Maximum vial height: 47 mm (incl. septa or capmat)
Minimum vial height: 32 mm
ReproducibilityRSD ≤ 1.0% for partial loopfill injections
WashProgrammable: Wash between injections and wash between vials
Air GapAdjustable volume; Before and/or after samples


Operating Voltage95 - 240 Volt AC ± 10%; 50 - 60 Hz; 200VA
ElectricalStandard 110V, Optional 220V (HORIBA PN 5500000264)
CE ComplianceYes
CommunicationSerial RS232 with USB Adapter
Optional Circulating Temperature Bath
(Not included, but recommended for all
A-TEEM work. HORIBA PN: 5500450520)
–25° C to +80° C (110 V)
Size300 mm x 575 mm x 360 mm
Weight21 kg
Working Temperature10 - 40° C (indoor use only)


Related Aqualog Hardware & SoftwareSpecification
Flow Cell Sample CompartmentWater jacketed flow cell
Flow Cells80 μL (1 x 0.5 cm path length)
SoftwareAqualog v4.2 and beyond

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