A Raman spectrum was recorded every 100 nm along the X and Y directions with an integration time of 5 seconds per spectrum (λ excitation=752.4 nm). The variation of the Raman signal was integrated over the [1060-1180]cm-1 spectral domain. Details on the Raman profile are obtained with a spatial resolution better than λ/2 (at the diffraction limit).
Raman image (Figure 1) from a thin film of azobenzene-containing polymer thin film (300 nm) that is periodically structured (periodicity of ~1 mm) is presented.
Raman measurements were recorded with a Labram HR 800 (HORIBA JobinYvon) spectrometer combined with an inverted microscope (Olympus IX 71) and a X,Y Piezoelectric stage to position the sample with the best accuracy and repeatability. A 100X, 0.9 NA microscope objective was used.
A Raman spectrum was recorded every 100 nm along the X and Y directions with an integration time of 5 seconds per spectrum (λ excitation=752.4 nm). The variation of the Raman signal was integrated over the [1060-1180]cm-1 spectral domain. It must pointed out that details on the Raman profile are obtained with a spatial resolution better than λ/2 (at the diffraction limit).
Raman Spectroscope - Automated Imaging Microscope
Confocal Raman Microscope
MicroRaman Spectrometer - Confocal Raman Microscope
Confocal Raman & High-Resolution Spectrometer
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