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Chemical Solution Monitoring System

Enables the concentration management of multi-component chemical solutions containing trace elements used in the BEOL process*1.

Low concentration components at ppm level*2 in chemical solutions can be detected without any pretreatment. Simply install the all-in-one system, consolidated in an independent cabinet, at the manufacturing site to begin use*3.

*1 Abbreviation for "back end of line," referring to the wiring formation process in the semiconductor front-end process.
*2 ppm = parts per million. For liquid components, 1 ppm means that 1 mg of a component is present in 1 liter of liquid..
*3 SEMI S2 certified.


Chemical ConcentrationpHCOND

Low ConcentrationAutomatic CleaningAutomatic CalibrationContact OutputRS-485

Segment: Semiconductor
Firma produkcyjna : HORIBA Advanced Techno Co., Ltd.

Detection of low concentration components at PPM level

By improving the performance of the spectrometer (expanded wavelength range and enhanced resolution) and combining signals from pH meters and conductivity meters, it is now possible to detect low concentration components at ppm level.

Simultaneous measurement of two different chemical solutions

The device is equipped with two separate sample flow lines. By completely isolating the flow paths, it enables simultaneous measurement of two different chemical solutions.

4 hours of maintenance every six months

Equipped with a pH meter featuring an automatic calibration function. Maintenance involves only replacing the lamp and the internal solution and calibration solution bottles of the pH meter.

【Basic Specification】

Product nameChemical Solution Monitoring System
Measurement itemChemical Concentration, Conductivity, pH
Measurement principleAbsorption spectroscopic method, 2-electrode method, Glass electrode
Target chemicalsMulti-component chemical solutions used in semiconductor manufacturing processes (Please contact us for details)
Dimension700 (W) × 610 (D) × 1640 (H) mm (Excluding protrusions)
WeightApprox. 200kg
Wetted materialsCabinet (PFA, PTFE)
Absorbance Monitor (PFA, PTFE, Quartz, Kalrez™)
Conducvitity Meter (PFA, Carbon, Kalrez™)
pH Meter - Drain use (PVC, PTFE, Glass, ETFE, PEEK, Olefinic resin, THV, PFA, Kalrez™, PharMed BPT)
※Karlez™ is trademarks of DuPont de Nemours, Inc.
Conforming standardsCE , KC , FCC Rules Part15 , UKCA , SEMI S2

【Condition of installation】

Ambient temperature20 to 30 degree C (Within ± 0.5 degree/1hour, sudden temperature change should be avoided)
Ambient humidity40 to 70%RH (Should be no dew condensation)
Power sourceAC 190~240V (Single-Phase)、50/60Hz
Power consumptionApprox. 355VA (Transient electric current at the time of the start is excluded)
CommunicationAnalog Output: Hardwired_4-20mA,  Serial: RS-485_Modbus RTU,  Parallel IO (refer to attachement)
※ Signal output is fixed at 1.5mA when measured values are not updated, such as monitor error.


ConsumablesReplacement parts by customer or HORIBA service engineers.
Halogen lamp (Rated life: approx. 1 year)
Deteurium lamp (Rated life: approx. half year)
Reagent: pH4, pH7, KCl 3.33moL AgCl Saturate (Raplacement term: approx. half year)

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* Te pola są obowiązkowe.