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Si Stress

Si Stress - LabSpec 6 App For Automated Silicon Stress Analysis - Logo

Automated Silicon Stress Analysis

Automated Silicon stress analysis for industrial, research and quality testing applications microcrystalline Si

Raman Spectroscopy is one of the most important tools for investigating the basic properties of semiconductors. It is particularly effective at establishing the characteristics of photovoltaic cells and microelectronic devices.
Mechanical stress and strain can be detected by analyzing the spectral shift of the band position, thus allowing tensile and compressive stress to be quantified.

The Si Stress App joins the LabSpec6 Software Suite for automated stress analysis of microcrystalline Silicon with optimized analysis reports

Check out our LabSpec 6 Video Resource Center to fully master your LabSpec 6 spectroscopy software!

Segment: Scientific
Firma produkcyjna : HORIBA France SAS

•    Automatic Si stress identification and qualification: tensile and compressive
•    Integrated reference and automated data correction using “Sample-Ref” for very low-level stress measurements
•    Single point data to large maps
•    Optimized Analysis Report template

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