LabSpec 6 Spectroscopy Suite Software

Enjoy a wonderful User eXperience with the unique features of Labspec 6 imaging and spectroscopy software!

HORIBA Scientific’s LabSpec 6 Spectroscopy Suite provides an intuitive, powerful software platform for imaging and spectroscopy by Raman, photoluminescence (PL), cathodoluminescence (CL) and AFM-Raman. It offers complete and versatile functionality for acquisition, processing, analysis, and display of data, in addition to flexible automation solutions.

LabSpec 6 operates all components and accessories of HORIBA Scientific Raman systems, whatever the application: research, analytical, quality or process control. The power, versatility and flexibility of our hardware is matched by LabSpec 6’s ease of use and high-level functionality.

LabSpec 6 allows comprehensive system control, and advanced data acquisition/analysis routines, including fast mapping, kinetic studies, high throughput screening, programmed high temperature and high-pressure analysis.

HORIBA Scientific’s LabSpec 6 Software is Enhanced for Regulatory Compliance by ensuring security and data integrity controls that enable compliant use of HORIBA Raman microscopes within regulated laboratory environments.

Check out our LabSpec 6 Video Resource Center to fully master your LabSpec 6 spectroscopy software!


Segment: Scientific
Firma produkcyjna : HORIBA France SAS

The LabSpec 6 Software Suite guides you through ready to use, simple and automated Workflows provinding user-friendly assistance and optimization of your measurements, data processing and analysis. The fully integrated software apps, available in the LabStore, will boost your experiments even further and save your time and efforts, thus, allowing generation of stunning results!

This approach reflects the typical usage of these systems and is based on many years of expertise and research by HORIBA!


LabSpec 6 software offers an intuitive interface which enables a logical workflow through an experiment, from visualization of the sample and measurement setup, to interpretation of the data, and final reporting of the results.

EasyImage enables quick and easy acquisition of meaningful chemical images of your samples without needing a high level of Raman expertise


MultiPoints provides automated Raman spectra acquisition. Create your own recipe by selecting multiple random positions on the sample


MultiWell offers an easy interface for high throughput screening using traditional well plates, microtiter plates and other regularly arrayed sampling devices


ParticleFinder offers a user-friendly tool for automated location, characterization and Raman analysis of particles. It is fully compatible with the latest market regulations


EasyNav Technology

With the groundbreaking EasyNav™ package, it is fast and easy to navigate in-focus, in real-time, to identify the region of interest and obtain sharp, clear Raman chemical images. HORIBA NavMap™ + NavSharp™ + ViewSharp™ apps can be used together or separately to deliver a powerful user experience for all Raman users.

SmartID automatically recognizes the microscope objective in use


NavMap helps to navigate around your large samples


NavSharp provides real time focusing while navigating around samples


ViewSharp constructs 3D sample topography and fully focused images


Mosaic enables fast imaging of large sample areas by video stitching



Spectral Acquisition

LabSpec 6 can acquire multi-dimensional datasets, full spectral range or custom ranges, including 1D profiles (such as line X, Y, depth Z, time, kinetic, temperature studies), 2D images (such as XY surface maps) and 3D cubes (i.e., confocal XYZ maps).

Point-by-point mapping provides ultimate sensitivity for imaging, ideal for low scattering materials


SWIFT mapping provides ultra-fast images with acquisition times below 500ms/point. Ideal for high scattering materials


SmartSampling allows super large and super high resolution image acquisition up to 100 times faster, even for low scattering materials



Data Processing

Processing is a crucial step in spectroscopy. The preprocessing of raw spectral data helps to eliminate noise (and undesired signals,) along with the enhancement of discriminating spectral features. LabSpec 6 software includes a large palette of processing tools that can be applied in real time during acquisition or post-acquisition for enhanced qualitative and quantitative analysis!

FLAT enables Real-time on-the-fly fluorescence backgrounds removal from spectra


Data enhancement provides custom baseline, smoothing, normalization, thresholding and more


Math allows mathematical operations to be applied for spectral and image data manipulation




Enhance the wealth of information by performing a complete Analysis of your spectral data!
LabSpec 6 guides you to Convert map data into chemical images!

χSTaiN is an innovative and intelligent application for fully automated processing and analysis of 2D Raman images

MVAPlus combines unsupervised multivariate algorithms (PCA, MCR, HCA and K-means, CLS) for a quantitative and qualitative image generation


IDFinder provides spectral identification, mixture analysis, and spectral library management. It seamlessly integrates with all LabSpec6 applications, including ParticleFinder for precise particle identification


PeakFitting analysis tool provides quantitative investigations of materials strain, interactions with the environment and crystallinity




LabSpec 6 software is a flexible platform offering compatibility with multiple modalities.

AFM combines Raman and AFM systems, for push-button TERS and colocalized experiments


Epifluo provides compatibility with high performance, cooled fluorescence imaging cameras


PhotoCurrent allows the acquisition and display of photocurrent or photovoltage images


CL efficiently drives your SEM to achieve optimal colocalized cathodoluminescence analysis



App Packages

Save time and money by using a dedicated LabSpec Software application! An application package will combine all the processing and analysis tools that you need for a given application, thus automatically, in one click, you will get the answer to your question!

Si Stress is a dedicated application for analysis of Silicon and photovoltaic cell samples


DLC is a dedicated application for analysis of Diamond Like Carbon samples


QCarbon simplifies Raman analysis for Carbon materials by processing spectral data and providing the ID/IG ratio


Layers automates multilayer material analysis, offering thickness and chemical identification for each layer



Image Display

LabSpec 6 contains a wide variety of tools for working with hyperspectral Raman images and optical images. These include many advanced image processing tools and display functions for a perfect report!

DataOverlay combines all your multimodal sample images for hybrid sample analysis and viewing


3D Volume integrated topographic surface and 3D confocal volume display with rotation and lighting controls


Image Enhancement offers a large palette of image processing tools for the enhancement of Raman and optical images




Be ready to easily create optimized and customized measurement and analysis reports!

CustomReport customizes multi-data and multipage templates for fast reporting of results


Animation provides GIF animations of Raman and optical images for your presentation



Automation & Customization

Automate your own daily routines with LabSpec 6!

BatchProcess enables efficient fast batch data processing of multiple data files


OneClick allows fast, automated and easy Raman spectra acquisition


Custom GUI customizes your LabSpec 6 display to show just the tools you need in a multi-level user interface


Methods records routines allowing multiple measurements, processing and analysis steps to be fully and easily automated


Script & ActiveX allows in-app or external programming for instrument control and data processing



Compliance, Validation & Security

LabSpec 6 is a validated software designed to maximize ease of use, functionality and stability. It provides and ensure security and data integrity controls that enable compliant use of HORIBA Raman microscopes within regulated laboratory environments.

LabSpec 6 is a validated software, offering tested and documented functionality and performance


OneCheck ensure that your instrument is always perfectly aligned and calibrated


UserAccounts provides user access control and interface adaptation within multi-user environments


eVal validates Raman instruments for compliance with various pharmacopeias


ProtectionPlus allows working in compliance with 21CFR Part 11 of the FDA’s Code, with regard to electronic records and electronic signatures



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Akcesoria do produktów

3D Surface and Volume Display
3D Surface and Volume Display

3D confocal volume control and display

Batch Processing
Batch Processing

High throughput data processing

Customized reporting
Customized reporting

Create templates for fast data reports


Hybrid Chemical and Video Image Display


Automated DLC Coating Analysis


Optimized Analytical Workflow


Cooled fluorescence imaging cameras

Flat Correction
Flat Correction

Unique fluorescence removal tool


Correlate Multiple Modalities with Ease


Spectral Identification Assistant within Raman Spectra Database

Image Analysis and Display
Image Analysis and Display

Convert map data into chemical images

Image Enhancement
Image Enhancement

Emphasize Raman and Optical Images


Raman Spectral Searching

LabSpec 6: Validated performance
LabSpec 6: Validated performance

LabSpec 6 is a validated software


Automated Analysis of Multilayers Materials


Recall settings, and automate processes


Automatic Acquisition of Raman Spectra at Multiple Positions

Multivariate Analysis
Multivariate Analysis

Data analysis for complex data sets

MultiWell Module
MultiWell Module

High Throughput Chemical Screening Experiments


Multivariate Analysis App for all Raman Maps

NavMap Application
NavMap Application

Lets you navigate easily through your image


Navigate your sharp image in real-time

OneCheck System Validation
OneCheck System Validation

Alignment and calibration tools


Fast and easy Raman acquisition


Automated Particle Measurement, Identification and Classification using Raman Analysis

ProtectionPlus Module
ProtectionPlus Module

Regulatory compliance and data integrity


Automated Raman D-to-G peak intensity ratio analysis for carbon materials

Script and ActiveX
Script and ActiveX

Customize with VBS

Si Stress
Si Stress

Automated Silicon Stress Analysis


Turns Raman Imaging from Hours to Minutes


Ultra Fast Raman Imaging for detailed Raman maps

User Accounts
User Accounts

Password protected user access control

View Sharp™
View Sharp™

Acquire the Topography of the Analyzed Sample & sharp, In-Focus Raman Images


Instant Raman Analysis

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