The Story of Ion

We offer an introductory course on water quality. We explain - as simply as possible - what ions are.
Benchtop pH/ORP/Ion/DO/BOD/Temperature Meter
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HORIBA Advanced Techno, Co., Ltd.
31, Miyanonishi-cho, Kisshoin
Minami-ku Kyoto 601-8306 Japan
Tel: +(81) 75 321 7184
Fax: +(81) 75 321 7291
HORIBA Instruments (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
83 Science Park Drive, #02-02A,
The Curie 118258 Singapore
Tel: +65 6 908 9660
Fax: +65 6 745 8155
Mail: laqua(at)
HORIBA UK Limited Northampton Office
Kyoto Close,Summerhouse Road,
Moulton Park
Northampton NN3 6FL UK
Tel: +(44) 1604 542 600
Fax: +(44) 1604 542 699
Mail: waterquality(at)
HORIBA Instruments Incorporated Head Office
9755 Research Drive
Irvine California 92618 USA
Tel: +1 800 446 7422
Fax: +1 949 468 1790
Mail: labinfo(at)
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