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패널 장착형 pH 미터(4-Wire Transmission, 펄스 비례 제어)


산업용 pH 미터는 펄스 펌프를 직접 구동할 수 있는 펄스 비례 제어 기능이 있는 pH 미터입니다.
pH 센서를 연결하여 시료수의 pH와 온도를 측정 가능합니다.
HP-480PL은 펄스당 주입 분해능이 높기 때문에 pH 값의 미세 제어를 포함하는 처리 시스템의 일부로 펄스 펌프를 제어하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다(예: 미시적 또는 작은 샘플의 pH 값 제어).

측정 범위

pH : 0 ~ 14
온도 : 0 ~ 100 ℃

Division: Process Water
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA Advanced Techno Co., Ltd.
  • Pulse proportional control function
    A pulse signal proportional to the set pH value is output.
    This signal can be input directly into a pulse pump, making it possible to construct a simple system with an excellent cost-performance ratio.
  • Maximum pulse output of 360 SPM
    A maximum of 360 pulses per minute can be output.
    It has a high insertion resolution per pulse, allowing for very fine control of pH values.
  • Compatible with five types of temperature compensation element
    Five types of temperature compensation element are supported: 500 Ω, 6.8 kΩ, 1 kΩ, 10 kΩ and 350 Ω.
  • Easy pH correction
    After immersing the pH electrodes in the standard fluid, simply follow the instructions displayed and press the ENT key.
    The automatic correction process is plain and simple.
  • A line-up of lead-free pH electrodes
    Uses lead-free glass. In addition, almost all sections of the pH electrodes, including lead wires and soldered junctions are lead-free.
  • Uses lead-free solder
    To reduce the burden on the environment, lead-free solder has been used to mount the components on the printed circuit board.
Product name Pulse proportional control pH meter for industrial use
Model HP-480PL
Measuring range 0 pH to 14 pH: 0.01 pH resolution.
Temperature 0℃ to 100℃: 1℃ resolution (selectable display).
4 mA to 20 mA DC: input/output isolated type
Maximum load resistance: 900 Ω
output range
Repeatability and
±0.05 pH, ±0.08 mA (for transmission output range of 0 pH to 14 pH)
Contact output Outputs: 2 points
Alarm contact output (R1 and R2)
  Contact type: relay contact, SPDT (1c)
  Contact rating: 240 V AC, 0.3 A and 30 V DC, 0.3 A (resistance load)
  Contact function: selectable from upper/lower limit operation (ON/OFF control), alarm, and maintenance.
Control actions ON/OFF control
  • Upper/lower limit setting range: 0.00 pH to 14.00 pH
  • Control width: 0.00 to 4.00 pH (±0.00 pH to ±2.00 pH)
Pulse proportional
  • Upper/lower limit setting range: 0.00 pH to 14.00 pH
  • Maximum number of pulse output: Freely selectable in the range of
    1 SPM to 360 SPM.
  • Proportional band: 0.01 pH to 4.00 pH
  • Control output shift function: 0% to 50%
Calibration function Two-point automatic calibration or manual calibration
Two-point automatic calibration: with automatic validation of the electrode characteristics.
  Types of standard solution: pH 2, pH 4, pH 7, pH 9 and pH 10 (JIS)
  Combination of standard solutions: pH 7 and one of the others
  Manual calibration: Freely selectable, but the difference should be over 2 pH.
Temperature calibration (one point).
output hold feature
  • Previous value hold
  • Optional value hold
  • Continuous
    Selectable from the above (However, only the previous value hold is available in the maintenance mode).
  • Calibration function
    Asymmetry potential error, sensitivity error, response speed error and standard solution error.
  • Electrode self-diagnosis
    Temperature sensor short-circuit and temperature sensor disconnection.
  • Outside of the measuring range.
  • Converter error.

Selectable from compensation ON (350Ω (25℃), 500Ω (25℃),1 kΩ (0℃)6.8 kΩ (25℃) and 10 kΩ (25℃)) and compensation OFF.

0℃ to 100℃
−5℃ to 45℃
Relative humidity 20% to 85% (without dew condensation)
−25℃ to 65℃
Power supply Rated voltage 100 V AC to 240 V AC, 50 Hz/60 Hz, 10 VA (max.)
Structure Indoor-use panel installation type
Panel case: ABS, Terminal: PBT
Panel: water proof structure
Protective structure Panel: IP65 (IEC60529, JIS C0920)
Rear case: IP20, Terminal: IP00
Class II device (IEC61010-1)
Pollution level 2 (IEC61010-1)
FCC Rule FCC Part15
48 (W)  × 96 (H)  × 115 (D) mm
Case depth: approx. 105 mm
Mass Approx. 400 g

제품 문의

HORIBA제품의 자세한 정보를 원하시면, 아래의 양식에 내용을 입력을 부탁드립니다.

* 는 필수입력항목입니다.
