용존산소측정기(4-Wire Transmission), 멤브레인 형)


산업용 용존산소측정기 HD-480은 폐수처리공정에서 활성 슬러지 탱크 관리에 사용되는 지표인 용존산소 농도를 측정하는 장비입니다.
센서의 멤브레인을 교체할 필요가 없어 비용이 절감되며, 누구나 쉽게 사용할 수 있습니다.

- 측정 범위(용존 산소) : 0 ~ 20 mg/L
- 채도 : 0 ~ 200%
- 온도 : 0 ~ 40℃

Division: Process Water
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA Advanced Techno Co., Ltd.
  • Exchanging the sensor is a one-touch operation
    The sensor is disposable, and can be exchanged with the touch of a key.
    There is no need for work requiring long experience or expertise, such as exchanging the membrane or refilling the internal fluid, as generally required by other sensors until now.
  • Two types of span correction
    You can choose from two types of span correction: the commonly used saturated fluid correction, and the plain and simple atmospheric correction.
  • Salt adjustment function
    A function which automatically corrects the data based on the salt concentration of the measurement sample has been included.
    This means it can make precise measurements in both freshwater and seawater.
  • Uses lead-free solder
    To reduce the burden on the environment, lead-free solder has been used to mount the components on the printed circuit board.
 Product name  Dissolved oxygen meter
Model   HD-480
Measurement method Galvanic cell method
Measuring range
  • Dissolved oxygen 0 mg/L to 20 mg/L, 0.01 mg/L resolution
  • Saturation 0% to 200%, 1% resolution
  • Temperature 0℃ to 40℃, 0.1℃ resolution
Repeatability Within ±0.5% of the full scale (by equivalent input)
Linearity Within ±0.5% of the full scale (by equivalent input)
  • 4 mA to 20 mA DC, input/output isolated type
  • Max. load resistance: 900 Ω
  • Transmission output range: Freely settable within the measuring range
Contact output Outputs: 2 points
Alarm contact output (R1 and R2)
 Contact type: relay contact, SPDT (1c)
 Contact rating: 240 V AC, 3 A and 30 V DC, 3 A (resistance load)
 Contact function: Selectable from “Upper limit operation”, “lower limit operation”
   (ON/OFF control), “anomaly alarm”, “during maintenance”, and “temperature”
Calibration function
  • Air calibration and solution calibration
  • Salinity compensation (0.0% to 5.0%)
  • Temperature calibration (two points)
Transmission output hold feature Selectable from previous value hold, optional value hold or continuous (however,only the previous value hold is available in the maintenance mode)
Self-diagnosis function
  • Calibration failure: Zero error and sensitivity error
  • Sensor diagnosis: Short-circuit or disconnection of temperature sensor
  • Measuring range error
  • Product error
Temperature-compensated range 0℃ to 40℃
Ambient temperature −5℃ to 45℃
Relative humidity 20% to 85% (without dew condensation)
Storage temperature −25℃ to 65℃
Power supply Rated voltage 100 V to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 10 VA (max.)
Structure Indoor-use panel installation type
  Panel case: ABS, Terminal: PBT
Panel: IP65 dust and water proof structure
Protective structure Panel: IP65 (IEC60529, JIS C0920)
Rear case: IP20, Terminal:IP00
Class II device (IEC61010-1)
Pollution level 2 (IEC61010-1)
CE marking EMC :EN61326-1
    Class A, Industrial electromagnetic environment
Safety :EN61010-1
RoHS  :EN50581
    9. Industrial monitoring and control instruments
FCC rules Part15 Class A
External dimensions 48 (W) mm × 96 (H) mm × 115 (D) mm
Case depth: approx. 105 mm
Mass Approx. 400 g
Compatible sensors Probe DP-100 Operating temperature: 0℃ to 45℃


5400, 5405


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