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자동 수질 측정장치


HORIBA의 자동수질측정장치 TW-100은 상수시설이나 상수관, 급수관말단소에 설치하여 수질을 모니터링하는 장비입니다. 매일 검사하는 항목 (탁도, 색도, 잔류염소)을 자동으로 모니터링해서 상수를 안전하게 관리할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 또한 해당 장비는 무시약 측정, 쉬운 유지 보수를 중점으로 개발된 장비로 자동 모니터링에 최적화된 시스템입니다.

Division: Water Pollution
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA Advanced Techno Co., Ltd.

• 컴팩트하게 설계된 장비로 표준 4항목, 최대 7항목 측정 가능.

• 터치 패널 형식으로 조작할 수 있으며 대화 방식의 화면 설정으로 사용자가 손쉽게 사용할 수 있음.  

• 쉬운 유지보수를 고려하여 설계되었으며 용이한 유지 보수와 다양한 독자 기능을 통해 자동 모니터링에 최적화 된 장비. 

• 장거리 모니터링용 통신 유닛을 측정 장치 본체에 설치 가능.

Product name

Water Distribution Monitor

Model name



Turbidity, color, free chlorine, water pressure (standard); pH, conductivity, water temperature (option)


See chart 1.


See chart 1.


See chart 1.


LCD display: 320 x 240 dot B&W graphic LCD with backlight (touch panel type)
Standard version simultaneously displays four measurement categories (turbidity, color, free chlorine, and water pressure); Optional version simultaneously displays up to seven parameters (the four parameters plus pH, conductivity, and water temperature)

Calibration method

See chart 1.

Automatic zero calibration

(Turbidity, color, free chlorine)
Calibration method: Measurement of filtered sample water
Trigger: Internal control (timer) or external control.
Interval: 1 to 9999 hours (can be set as desired within that range)
Time: 20~99 minutes(can be set as desired within that range)

Automatic cleaning

(Turbidity, color)
Cleaning method: Wiper cleaning
Trigger: Internal control (timer) or external control.
Interval: 5 to 9999 hours (can be set as desired within that range)
(Free chlorine)
Continuous cleaning with beads grinder

Sample water conditions

Temperature: 0 to 40°C (must not freeze)
Pressure: 0.1 to 0.75 Mpa
Flow rate: over 100 mL/min
Flow rate for measurement: 50 to 100 mL/min
* Be sure to flush the sample water before starting the system.
* Be sure to install a bypass for the pipe to which the system is attached.
* If there is any possibility that the sample water could freeze, please protect the system from cold temperature.

Ambient temperature/humidity

Temperature; 0 to 40°C; Humidity: 85% or less

Analog output

Type: Measurement value: Same number as parameters (4 standard, 7 as maximum)
Specifications: DC 4 to 20 mA, insulated output (no insulation between parameters), maximum load resistance 600 Ω

Output signal

Type: Power off, batch alerts, maintenance
Details: Power off: Output when power is off.
Batch alerts: Cell temperature error, compensation temperature error, cell wiper error, internal communication error,water leak, battery error, upper and lower limit of measurement, light source error, zero calibration, span calibration,analyzer error
Maintenance: Output when the system is in maintenance or calibration mode.
Specifications: Non-voltage contact output, a contacts
Contact ratings: AC 125 V, 0.3 A, DC 30 V, 1 A (depends on resistance load), each output COM is independent.

Input signal

Type: Cleaning start, zero calibration start, error check sequence start, error water sampling start
Details: Cleaning start: Cleaning procedure initiated with closed contact input
Zero calibration start: Zero calibration initiated with closed contact input
Error discrimination start: Error discrimination initiated with closed contact input
Error water sample sampling start: Error water sample sampling initiated with closed contact input
Specifications: Non-voltage contact input (open collector contact can be used), insulated input
Resistance when ON: Maximum 100 W; Open voltage: DC 26 V; Short-circuit current: Max. 13 mA


 Interface: RS-232C compliant (*Remote monitoring system is option)


Estimation of sample water volume (counting type), internal water leak detection, error water sampling

Data memory

Measurement values for each parameters are stored in the unit’s data memory. Data can be transferred to a CF card.
Memory interval: 1 minute or 1 hour
Memory schedule: At the top of the hour
Data memory longevity: 1 minute intervals: About 10 days; 1 hour intervals: About 1 year.
* The latest data is written to up date a series of data.

Wiring contact

Wiring ground: For power source: φ4.5 to φ6; For input/output: φ12.5 to φ14

Piping contact

Sample water input: Rc 1/4; Drainage: Rc 1/4; Calibration solution input: Rc 1/8; Error sample sampling aperture: Rc 1/8


Designed for indoor installation. * Housed in a special case (frame) for exterior installation (option).


AC 100 V to AC 230 V, ±10%, 50/60 Hz

Power consumption

AC 100 V to AC 120 V: 120 VA; AC 100 V to AC 230 V: 150 VA


Approx. 15 kg (Measurement unit only)

External dimensions

 350 mm (W) x 160 mm (D) x 420 mm (H) (not including installation fixtures and projecting portions)

Paint color/Material

Munsell 5PB8/1; Unit case is made of SUS.

Installation environment

 Install on a flat surface without vibration shocks. No dust, mist, or corrosive gases in the atmosphere.  Lower air pressure.  No direct sunlight. Ventilated air.  2,000 m or less above sea level.


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* 는 필수입력항목입니다.
