TITAN Powertrain

TITAN Powertrain - Hybrid Powertrain

프론트, 리어 및 4륜 구동 파워트레인 테스트

차량 성능에 대한 요구가 증가하며 특히 선진화된 드라이브 라인 솔루션의 요구도 함께 증가하고 있습니다. TITAN PowerTrain은 내구성, 역학, 진동 및 소음에 대한 개발 프로세스를 최적화하고 유연한 테스트 프로세스 유지를 지원합니다. ​

표준화된 모듈석 설계 제공과 함께 향후 드라이브라인 테스트 요구 사항 수용에 필요한 추가 측정 장비와 소프트웨어 솔루션의 간단한 통합이 가능합니다.

The TITAN Powertrain consists of four major powertrain components: a highly transient dynamometer, a flexible positioning support frame, the open interface real-time controller SPARC and the open automation system STARS. Further equipment, measuring devices and software solutions can easily be integrated to accommodate additional driveline testing requirements.

From dynamic powertrain testing up to tests for full electric vehicles, we cover the entire range of component and system applications. In order to optimize the development process with regard to durability, dynamics, vibration as well as acoustics and keep testing processes flexible, our TITAN Powertrain is characterized by a reliable, standardized, modular design.

Through its modular design TITAN Powertrain offers the flexibility for a wide range of steady-state, transient as well as dynamic testing applications, including full vehicle and single component tests:

  • Durability
  • Wear
  • Performance
  • Efficiency
  • NVH investigation (noise, vibration, harshness)
  • Altitude and climatic simulations
  • Shiftability, gear change and synchronization
  • Validation
  • Verification
  • Calibration
  • Emission
  • E-mobility
Measuring fuel consumption of combustion engines on a chassis, engine and powertrain test stands
Measuring fuel consumption of combustion engines on a chassis, engine and powertrain test stands
Durability testing of vehicles & components on powertrain test stands
Durability testing of vehicles & components on powertrain test stands

제품 문의

HORIBA제품의 자세한 정보를 원하시면, 아래의 양식에 내용을 입력을 부탁드립니다.

* 는 필수입력항목입니다.

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프론트, 리어 및 4륜 구동 파워트레인 테스트

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