SuperHead Raman Fiber Probes - HORIBA
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Fiber probes: High Efficiency Raman sensors

The SuperHead fiber optic probes are a range of high efficiency Raman sensors which enable in situ, non-invasive chemical analysis to be undertaken. Immersion, high temperature/pressure and integrated camera versions are available.

Each SuperHead probe is connected to an excitation laser source and base Raman analyzer by fiber optic cables. Its rugged and robust construction means that it is suitable for a wide range of applications including true industrial reaction monitoring. It incorporates state-of-the art technology to provide the user with a fast and efficient tool for Raman analysis.

With the optional colour camera the SuperHead can function as a micro-sampling head, allowing the user to locate a precise region of interest prior to analysis.  Piezo controlled focusing ensures optimised signal levels.  The Confocal SuperHead goes one step further, offering true confocal performance for the ultimate depth resolution, allowing individual layers to be distinguished, and interfering substrates to be ignored.

Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA France SAS
  • Compact design
  • Integrated colour video camera for sample and laser spot viewing
  • Confocal optics for optimised depth resolution
  • Immersion and stand off probes
  • High pressure/temperature probes
  • Manufactured from chemically resistant materials (e.g., Hastelloy) for use in aggressive environments



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