Compact Process Gas Monitor
마이크로폴 시스템 콤팩트 프로세스 가스 모니터입니다. 마이크로폴(MICOPOLE) 시스템은 가장 작은 완전 질량 분석 시스템 중 하나입니다. 소형 쿼드롤 질량 필터의 특허받은 배열 설계를 사용하여 소형 크기를 달성합니다. 어레이는 기존 질량 분석기와 비슷하거나 더 높은 감도를 제공하지만 부피의 일부만 사용합니다. 이 가스 모니터 시스템은 기존 시스템보다 훨씬 높은 압력에서 작동할 수 있으므로 추가 디퍼렌셜 펌프 장비의 필요성이 줄어듭니다. 이 센서는 공장에서 사전 조정되고 전송 표준에 따라 보정되므로 사용자가 직접 상호 교환할 수 있습니다.
High performance
Mini array of 9 quadrupoles gives excellent sensitivity at a fraction of the volume of traditional quadrupoles
High pressure operation
Can be used at up to 0.9Pa (7mTorr, 9 x 10-3mbar) resulting in the reduction or elimination of expensive vacuum pumping for many applications
Interchangeable sensor head in calibration
The sensor heads are pre-tuned and calibrated prior to shipment allowing the user to make sensor changes in the field without the need for fine tuning or technical expertise
Network sensors
Up to eight sensors can be monitored by a single PC using RS-485. The systems can also be monitored remotely over Ethernet
User friendly software
Micropole Scanner™ software allows the user to monitor partial pressures of gases in various modes e.g. trend graph, analog graph, leak mode, bar graph, 3D
Monitor controller
The optional Monitor Controller can be used on the chamber mounted directly on the Spectrum Generator, allowing the user to monitor the vacuum chamber without the need for a PC
Measurement principle
The Gas Monitor consists of an ion source, a mass spectrometer, and a measurement section. The residual gas is ionized when it collides with the thermoelectrons discharged from the high-temperature filament, and the ions that are thereby created accelerate and converge onto the mass spectrometer. At the mass spectrometer, direct and alternating current voltages are applied to the four cylindrical electrodes (quadropoles), which allows the ions to be separated by mass. The separated ions are detected as electric current by the Faraday cup. The ion current is proportional to the mass (partial pressure) of the residual gas.
The feature that makes the Micropole System unique is the MICROPOLETM Analyzer (MPA); a grouping of nine quadropoles that takes full advantage of ultraprecision optical etching processing technology and glass/metal joint technology. The development of the MPA has enabled the creation of the world's smallest residual gas analyzer, while offering the same or better sensitivity as conventional, larger mass spectrometers. The analyzer is a plug-in unit. It features a sensor unit that has already been calibrated for partial pressures, and offers absolute total and partial pressure measurement.
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