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FQ Series

Fuel Flow Meter FQ-1200CR and 3200CR
Fuel Flow Meter Details
Fuel Flow Meter - FQ-1200CR

연료 흐름 측정 시스템

차량의 연료 흐름을 측정하려면 고정식/과도 테스트를 실행할 수 있는 정확한 시스템이 필요합니다. 또한 WLTP를 포함한 실제 작동 조건에서 높은 재현성과 실행 사이클 측정 기능을 제공할 수 있어야 합니다. ​

FQ Series의 연료 흐름 측정 시스템은 다양한 연료 유형을 정밀하게 측정하는 방법을 제공하며, 소형 엔진(단일 실린더 리서치 엔진 포함)부터 최대 5000kW의 중량 엔진까지 모든 범위를 다룹니다.​

​또한 양변위 원리와 코리올리 측정 원리의 두 가지 서로 다른 측정 원칙을 선택할 수 있어 다양한 용도에 적합합니다. 이러한 애플리케이션에는 내구성, 매핑 및 성능 테스트뿐만 아니라 기후 및 배출 테스트도 포함됩니다.

Measurement Principles

The delta pressure principle enables highly accurate measurements, even at very low consumption rates and is particularly suitable for highly dynamic measurements. This makes the DP systems ideal for demanding research and development applications. The Coriolis measurement technology allows for the continuous and precise measurement of the fuel flow by directly measuring the mass flow. It is ideally suited for all kind of dynamic and static measurements applications.

•    Measurement of various fuel types: diesel, gasoline, ethanol, E-fuels (FQ-3xxx series) 
•    Measuring range from 0.2 l/h to 400 l/h (300 kg/h)
•    Temperature control range from -30°C to 80°C
•    Data communication with up to 100 Hz
•    Continuous evaluation of statistical characteristics

Key Benefits


•    Choice of measurement principle (depending on testing application)
•    Measurement of various fuel types such as e-fuels, diesel, gasoline
•    Standard interfaces for easy automation integration
•    Wide range of optional modules


•    Automated ventilation and purge function
•    Automated fuel exchange
•    Optional integrated plausibility check module


•    High precision, even at low consumption levels
•    High measurement repeatability

Fuel Flow Measurement Systems for Light-duty Engines

Measuring Range [kg/h]150225250
Engines up to [kw]300400400
Fuel circulation range [l/h]360up to 450up to 450
Fuel temperature range [°C]-60-30°C to 80-30°C to 80
Fuel temperature stability [°C]±0.1±0.05±0.05
Dynamic [Hz]up to 10Up to 100Up to 100

Fuel Flow Measurement Systems for Heavy-duty Engines


Measuring Range [kg/h]3002501 000
Engines up to [kw]1 5001 5005 000
Fuel circulation range [l/h]Up to 960Up to 960Up to 4 000
Fuel temperature range [°C]-30°C to 80-30°C to 8015 to 80
Fuel temperature stability [°C]±0.05±0.05±1
Dynamic [Hz]Up to 100Up to 20Up to 100
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* 는 필수입력항목입니다.

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