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Ambient Dust Monitor

The APDA-372 dust monitor is specifically designed for indoor and outdoor air quality measurements and provide continuous and simultaneous measurements of PM1, PM2.5, respirable fractions (PM4), thoracic fractions (PM10), inhalable fractions (TSP), the particle number, and (upon request) the particle size distribution in 32 size classes per decade within the particle size range of 0.18 – 18 µm. The APDA-372 uses the recognized measurement technology of optical light scattering and is equipped with a white LED light source with highly stable output and long lifetime. The system is also equipped with a filter holder for the insertion of an absolute filter (47 or 50 mm in diameter). This enables the user to perform on-site gravimetric correlation or subsequent analysis of the composition of the aerosol. The APDA-372 can be connected to an isokinetic sampling probe that measures emissions in exhaust air ducts. The volume flow is 5 L/min. The APDA-372 is additionally equipped with sensors for measuring environmental conditions, such as temperature, atmospheric pressure, and relative humidity.

Division: Ambient
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA Europe GmbH
Base product: AP-370 Series
  • Continuous and simultaneous real-time measurement of multiple PM values
  • Additional information based on particle number concentration
  • Adjustable time resolution from > 1 s to 24 h
  • Light source: LED with high stability and long lifetime
  • Long service life
  • Low maintenance, possible to verify calibration on site
  • Intuitive and easy to operate
  • Reliable function
  • No radioactive material
  • No consumables
  • Reduces your operating expenses



interfacesUSB, ethernet, RS232/485, Wi-Fi
measurement range (size)0.18 - 18 µm
measuring principleoptical light-scattering
measurement range0 - 20000 particles/cm3
time resolution1 s - 24 h
volume flow4,8 l/min
data acquisitiondigital, 20 MHz processor, 256 raw data channels
light sourceLED
power consumption140 W
user interfacetouch screen, 800 • 480 pixels, 7"
power supply115 - 230 V, 50 - 60 Hz
housingtable housing, optionally with mounting brackets for rack-mounting
dimensions180.5 • 450 • 320 mm, 19" compatible, 4 HE, 84 TE
weight9.3 kg
operating systemWindows embedded
data logger storage4 GB
measurement range (mass)0 - 10000 µg/m3

제품 문의

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* 는 필수입력항목입니다.

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