Electroluminescence and Photocurrent - HORIBA
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Electroluminescence and Photocurrent

With its open microscope frame design, the SMS system can accommodate micro-probes to enable electroluminescent measurements on LEDs, photovoltaic and other semiconductor materials.

Electroluminescence spectra for different colors of LEDs measured by an SMS system, plotted based on energy.

Electroluminescence Specifications

Spectrometer and Detectors
Excitation Source1Keithley Source Meter (2400 series)
Spectral Range (nm)250 nm – 14 μm
Recommended Gratings21200 g/mm, 600 g/mm, 15 0 g/mm
Spectral Resolution3 (nm)0.390.180.1
Microscope Objectives4Magnification10X50X100X
Sample StageXYZ (Manual and motorized options available) – 75 x 50 mm; 100 x 100 mm; 150 x 150 mm; 300 x 300 mm
Vision CameraSoftware controlled vision camera included

1 Other current voltage sources available on request
2 Other gratings available on request
3 Based on 1200 g/mm grating at 500 nm and a 26 μm pixel CCD
4 Reflective objectives may be recommended if working in the UV, or using multiple sources that cover a broad spectral range

Photocurrent Specifications

Spectrometer and Detectors
Excitation SourceLasers: 266 nm – 1064 nm
 Xenon Lamp (200 nm – 2200 nm) – Tunable option available
 Tungsten Halogen Lamp ( > 350 nm) – Tunable option available
 Supercontinuum Laser ( > 400 nm) – Tunable option available
Photocurrent Measurement1Keithley Source Meter (2400 series)
Recommended Gratings21200 g/mm, 600 g/mm, 15 0 g/mm
Spectral Resolution3 (nm)0.390.180.1
Microscope Objectives4Magnification10X50X100X
Sample StageXYZ (Manual and motorized options available) – 75 x 50 mm; 100 x 100 mm; 150 x 150 mm; 300 x 300 mm
Vision CameraSoftware controlled vision camera included

1 Extension into mid-IR available on request
2 Other gratings available on request
3 Based on 1200 g/mm grating at 500 nm and a 26 μm pixel CCD
4 Other objectives may be recommended if working in the UV, or using multiple sources that cover a broad spectral range

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