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Veloci BioPharma Analyzer

A-TEEM Spectroscopy

The Veloci A-TEEM BioPharma Analyzer contains innovative, column-free molecular fingerprinting technology designed for the biopharma and pharma industries. By integrating the selectivity of chromatography with the benefits of optical spectroscopy, Veloci offers a fast, simple, and cost-effective method for comprehensive component analysis in various industrial QC/QA life science applications. Unlike traditional methods such as chromatography and mass spectrometry, Veloci’s A-TEEM™ Molecular Fingerprinting technology provides component analysis without time consuming and slow separations. This allows simplified workflows and drastically reduces ownership costs. This versatile tool requires no sample preparation and is suitable for a wide range of applications, including monoclonal antibody discrimination, cell media monitoring, vaccine characterization, protein stability analysis, and AAV quantification. The Veloci A-TEEM BioPharma Analyzer enables label-free intrinsic fluorescence analysis, offering high accuracy and efficiency in research, production and QC/QA environments.

Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA Scientific

Key Benefits

  • Selectivity of chromatography, but using spectroscopy.
  • Superior sensitivity compared to HPLC/MS and other spectroscopic techniques like absorbance, FTIR, and Raman.
  • Hassle-free operation with no columns, mobile phase, or sample preparation needed. The lack of a mobile phase drastically reduces solvent usage and eliminates the cost of proper disposal.
  • Cost-effective and user-friendly: Suitable for both research labs and production processes



  • Monoclonal Antibodies (mAb)
  • AAVs (Adeno-Associated Viruses)
  • Vaccines
  • Protein Stability and Aggregation
  • Antibody-Drug Conjugates
  • Cell Media Monitoring and Bioreactor Monitoring
  • Exosomes


EzSpec Software

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Download the Veloci brochure to learn more

Veloci Biopharma Analyzer 
Detection LimitParts per billion (sample and wavelength dependent)
Excitation/Absorbance Wavelength Range 200 to 800 nm
Fluorescence Emission Wavelength Range250 to 800 nm
Wavelength Accuracy +/- 1 nm
EEM/A-TEEM Acquisition RateAs fast as 60 seconds (sample and wavelength dependent)
Optional AccessoriesRemote fiber optic probe, Autosampler with flow cell
Minimum Sample Volume70 microliters
Sample Handling, Internal Cuvette and solid sample holders
Sample Handling, External  Autosampler (96 sample maximum)
Light SourceXenon arc lamp
Validation Complies with US Pharmacopia
Dimensions (W x D x H)24 in x 17 in x 13 in; 618 mm x 435 mm x 336 mm
Weight32.72 kg (72 lbs.)


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