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Total Suspended Solids Probe

Our Total Suspended Solid (TSS) Probe operate on the principle of single gap light absorption as a means of detecting the presence of suspended solids. The sensors incorporate self-cleaning optics via air or water jet. The application involves measurement of total suspended solids concentration from Mixed Liquor Suspended Solid (MLSS), Return Activated Sludge (RAS), Waste Activated Sludge (WAS), clarifier effluent and plant effluent.


  • Industrial waste water treatment plant
  • Other process water application
  • Municipal waste water treatment plant
  • Surface water application
Dimension DrawingMeasurement Low Range0-1500 mg/L


Measurement High Range250 – 30,000 mg/L
Accuracy Low Range Sensor5% of reading or 5 mg/l whichever is higher
Accuracy High Range Sensor5% of reading or 50 mg/l whichever is higher
Stability2% of reading
Repeatability2% of reading
Working Temperature Range0 to 60 °C
Measurement TechniqueIR light absorption
Response Time60 second to 90% (T-90)
Wetted MaterialEpoxy, polyurethane and PVC
Sensor DriftLess than 1% per year
Integral Sensor Cable Length10 meter
Sensor Cleaning Systemair or water wash option available
Maximum Pressure100 psi
Mounting Thread on Sensor Body1-1/2” NPT
Probe Warrantee1 Year


Reference part

EXT-TURB-HTotal suspended solid (TSS) probes high range
High range: 0 – 30,000 mg/l TSS
10 meters cable
EXT-TURB-LTotal suspended solid (TSS) probes low range
Low range: 0 – 1500 mg/l TSS
10 meters cable

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