Multi-configuration test stands
HORIBA can offer the mechanical solutions to handle many different test specimen configurations. This flexibility is also contained in the STARS and SPARC Driveline applications. Changing configurations is simple in both systems – simply select the system configuration in the list of STARS test stands and the configuration for the SPARC system is automatically loaded and run. Editing of the configuration of SPARC is fully supported in STARS using dedicated editors.
Real-time Capabilities
At the heart of STARS is a powerful and capable real time system that can operate at frequencies of up to 5 kHz.
The real-time system hosts:
Use Workflows to capture your test processes - the key to increasing the repeatability and productivity of your test operations. By encapsulating complex test logic within Workflows, STARS is simple to use all levels of operator. The most complex of testing tasks can be performed with only a small amount of training. Workflows can be created in a very short time using the high level graphical editor.
Online Classification
STARS has a built-in Online Classification capabilitie to aid the process of analysing and classifying, in real-time at rates of up to 1kHz, signals with respect to their amplitude distribution over time. To do this the signal range is divided into a fixed number of classes and the number of events is counted for which the signal is level is within each class. Based on this information it is possible to evaluate the underlying characteristics of a signal and make comparisons between different signals. In powertrain testing, online classification gives insight into the degree of mechanical stress to which a test specimen or system is subjected during different duty cycles.
MATLAB Integration
STARS can simplify the operation of MATLAB models in driveline testing by providing interface blocks in the graphical workflow toolkit. These blocks allow users to specify which MATLAB model to run, options on the model and can specify the data that will flow into and out of the model. This allows a complete test process to be defined that integrates your MATLAB model and can hide the complexity of its operation from the test stand operator.
Instruments and Robots
STARS is able to interface to and control a wide range of intelligent instruments using simple to program test schedules. In addition, STARS has a dedicated real-time Ethernet interface to the SPARC driveline controller. This interface allows the STARS system to read variables and set demands at rates of up to 1kHz. Through this interface STARS can also control gearshift robots in a coordinated manner with the control of the test rig.
STARS Benefits
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Driveline용 테스트 자동화 시스템
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