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SceneScope RUVIS 29MP System

SceneScope RUVIS 29MP System

Reflective Ultra Violet Imaging System

Capture Ultra-High Resolution images with the new 29MP Ultra High Definition camera. SceneScope RUVIS devices provide more sensitivity than traditional methods of enhancement and without any treatment. Detect untreated prints on smooth, non-porous surfaces and capture in Ultra High Definition.

Segment: Scientific
Division: Forensics
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA Scientific

Selection of countries and territories where this product is available:
Afghanistan,Albania,Algeria,Andorra,Angola,Antigua and Barbuda,Argentina,Armenia,Australia,Austria,Azerbaijan,Bahamas,Bahrain,Bangladesh,Barbados,Belarus,Belgium,Belize,Benin,Bhutan,Bolivia,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Botswana,Brazil,Brunei,Bulgaria,Burkina Faso,Burundi,Cambodia,Cameroon,Canada,Cape Verde,Cayman Islands,Central African Republic,Chad,Chile,China,Colombia,Comoros,Costa Rica,Cote d'Ivoire,Croatia,Cyprus,Czech,Democratic Republic of the Congo,Denmark,Djibouti,Dominica,Dominican Republic,Ecuador,Egypt,El Salvador,Eritrea,Estonia,Ethiopia,Finland,France,French Guyana,French Polynesia,FYROM (North Macedonia),Gabon,Gambia,Georgia,Germany,Ghana,Greece,Grenada,Guadeloupe,Guatemala,Guinea,Guyana,Haiti,Honduras,Hong Kong SAR of China,Hungary,Iceland,India,Indonesia,Iraq,Ireland,Israel,Italy,Jamaica,Japan,Jordan,Kazakhstan,Kenya,Korea (South),Kosovo,Kuwait,Kyrgiyz Republic,Laos,Latvia,Lebanon,Lesotho,Liberia,Libya,Lichtenstein,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Madagascar,Malawi,Malaysia,Maldives,Mali,Malta,Martinique,Mauritania,Mauritius,Mayotte,Mexico,Moldavia,Monaco,Mongolia,Montenegro,Morocco,Mozambique,Myanmar,Namibia,Nepal,Netherlands,New Caledonia,New Zealand,Nicaragua,Niger,Nigeria,Norway,Oman,Pakistan,Palestine,Panama,Paraguay,Peru,Philippines,Poland,Portugal,Qatar,Republic of the Congo,Reunion,Romania,Russia,Rwanda,Saint Helena,Saint Kitts and Nevis,Sao Tome and Principe,Saudi Arabia,Senegal,Serbia,Seychelles,Sierra Leone,Singapore,Slovakia,Slovenia,Somalia,South Africa,Spain,Sri Lanka,St. Lucia,St. Vincent and the Grenadinas,Suriname,Swaziland,Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan,Tajikistan,Tanzania,Thailand,Togo,Trinidad and Tobago,Tunisia,Turkey,Turkmenistan,Uganda,Ukraine,United Arab Emirates,United Kingdom,United States,Uruguay,Uzbekistan,Venezuela,Vietnam,Yemen,Zambia,Zimbabwe
View the complete list here.

Use & Benefits

The SceneScope RUVIS 29MP is an Ultra High Definition camera based on a 29MP sensor with 6644 x 4452 pixel resolution, and a full-frame chip. It includes capture software with 3 user-selectable modes: Fast Viewing for placement, Focus on the evidence, and High Detail for Capture at High Resolution and High Dynamic Range.

SceneScope RUVIS 29MP devices use 254nm UV light but unlike Forensic Light Sources they are not detecting fluorescence. Instead, the device looks for the reflection and scattering of the 254nm light off of the fingerprint ridges.  The System can detect fingerprints on most non-porous surfaces prior to any treatment or after a cyanoacrylate (Superglue) fuming. Fuming is required when preliminary examination yields no results. The two primary RUVIS applications are untreated prints on most non-porous surfaces, and cyanoacrylate (CA) fumed prints.

Improved Software

The SceneScope RUVIS 29MP capture software is now even easier to use with user-definable defaults. The software gives the freedom to expedite one’s own workflow, depending on the evidence processed. It’s divided into categories based on the part of the spectrum being used in the search (RUVIS, VIS, IR) and has three capture modes: Search for scanning, Focus allowing a zoomed view to adjust the camera, and Capture to acquire an ultra-high resolution image.

Smooth, Non-Porous Surfaces

The SceneScope RUVIS 29MP Camera allows the detection of latent prints, prior to treatment. This is possible on surfaces that reflect light very well and do not absorb prints. That is to say, surfaces that are smooth and non-porous. Untreated prints with residual moisture show as white reflective ridges on a black background. Untreated oily prints appear as strong, black ridges on a shiny background. As surfaces become rougher or more porous, “supergluing” the print may extend the range of surfaces on which RUVIS will work.

Detects Latent Prints

The two primary RUVIS applications are the detection and capture of untreated prints on most non-porous surfaces, and cyanoacrylate(CA) fumed prints. Print collection can be performed on surfaces such as plastic bags, sticky sides of tape, glossy magazines, photographs, linoleum tile, compact disks, credit cards, etc. – Cyanoacrylate treatment (fuming) will further enhance the detection by RUVIS.


The image above clearly illustrates the difference between an image captured with a 16MP (megapixel) image and a 29MP. With almost double the number of pixels, the 29MP gives a finer resolution. When zooming into a fingerprint ridge, the 29MP shows pores that are missed with a 16MP camera image. The small pores are clearly visible.

Capture an Image Once in High Resolution

The system is capable of capturing an immense amount of detail in a single image, even if that image covers a large area like an entire palm.  The 29MP Ultra High Definition Camera is capable of capturing high-resolution images at 254nm that can be enlarged to visualize all levels of detail. The camera can capture a full palm image that contains all the information necessary to “zoom in” and see individual minutia points.

Background Rejection 

Because the SceneScope RUVIS 29MP sees the surface detail, it only sees material deposited on those surfaces, not materials “IN” the surfaces. This allows superior Background Rejection as the device does not see inks and patterns in printed material. As long as the surface does not show rises or indents, the background will disappear.

Universal Imaging System

The SceneScope RUVIS 29MP is the new camera on which the Universal Imaging System is built.  The UIS continues to feature a computer, forensic light source, an image enhancement, and comparison software, but now with higher image resolution.  Additionally, the configuration for the UIS can be tailored to the customers’ needs through pairing with the proper light source for the applications covered.  The SceneScope RUVIS 29MP is providing industry-leading resolution and full spectrum capabilities for latent print processing, capture, enhancement, and comparison.


Camera Specifications

Resolution: 29 million pixels
Data Transmission Rate: 3 User Selectable Operating Modes
Search: 10 fps
Fine Focus: 11 fps
Capture: 1.7 fps
Spectral Sensitivity: 250nm to 1100nm
Integration time: 1ms to 16 seconds
Aspect Ratio: 3:2
Data Transfer: Gigabit Ethernet

Safety First!

All SceneScope RUVIS UHD Devices include eye and skin protection devices against UV radiations. All RUVIS devices include lamps that emit high-intensity shortwave ultraviolet. Exposure to these wavelengths of radiation even reflected or diffuse, can result in serious, and sometimes irreversible, eye and skin injuries. Never aim the shortwave UV lamp at anyone. Never look directly into the shortwave UV lamp. Always wear appropriate eye and skin protection when using any RUVIS device.

The system is manufactured under ISO 9001 standards.

As with any alternate light source, always wear eye and skin protection. Please illuminate responsibly.

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