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GD-Profiler 2™

Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer

GD-Profiler 2™는 질소, 산소, 수소 및 염소 가스를 포함한 모든 요소에 대한 신속한 동시 분석을 제공합니다. 박막 및 후막 특성화 및 공정 연구에 적합한 도구입니다.

RF 소스가 장착된 GD-Profiler 2™는 깨지기 쉬운 샘플을 위해 펄스 모드에서 작동합니다. 부식 연구에서 PVD 코팅 공정 제어, 박막 PV 개발에서 LED 품질 관리 등 다양하게 적용되며 주로 대학 및 산업 연구 실험실에서 사용됩니다.

Segment: Scientific
Division: GDOES
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA France SAS

  • RF-Only generator is Class E standard and optimized for stability and crater shape allowing for real surface analysis.

  • Source can be pulsed with synchronized acquisition for optimum results on fragile samples. The use of an RF source allows analysis of conventional and non conventional layers and materials.

  • Simultaneous optic provides full spectral coverage from 110 to 800nm, including deep UV access to analyze H, O, C, N and Cl.

  • HORIBA original, ion-etched holographic gratings assure the highest light throughput and resolution for maximum light efficiency and sensitivity.
  • Patented HDD detection provides speed and sensitivity in detection without compromise.

  • On line measurement of crater depth and erosion rate with patented built in Interferometer. DIP.
  • Easily accessible sample compartment allows plenty of room for sample loading.

  • Powerful QUANTUM™ software with Tabler report writing tool.

  • CenterLite laser pointer (patent pending) for precise sample loading.

Monochromator option available only from HORIBA provides the perfect tool to increase instrument flexibility while adding "n+1" capability.

Combination of a powerful Glow Discharge source with Ultra-Fast High Resolution simultaneous optics for fast Elemental Depth Profile Analysis of conductive, non-conductive and hybrid materials.

For thin & thick films – from nanometre to hundreds of microns with nanometer depth resolution.

Typical domains of applications include PV, metallurgy, LED manufacturing, corrosion studies, organic and micro-electronics, materials research & development, deposition processes optimisation, PVD, CVD, plasma coatings, automotive, Li batteries,  etc

No UHV  required.

Measurement of all elements of interest (including H, D, O, Li, Na, C, N etc) with patented High Dynamic Detectors.

Optional monochromator with Image mode and high Dynamic detection for full spectrum record and total flexibility.

Pulsed RF Source for operation in RF and pulsed RF modes with auto-matching

Differential double pumping of the source for patented SEM sample preparation

Plasma Cleaning function built in

Patented UFS for Ultra-Fast Sputtering of polymeric and organic materials

Patented DIP – built in interferometer for direct on line depth measurement

Various anode diameters and accessories for odd shape samples

Windows 10 software – Multiple copies provided for remote installations

Reverse Engineering : Investigation on the Material Trends in Lithium-ion Battery
Reverse Engineering : Investigation on the Material Trends in Lithium-ion Battery
We obtained lithium-ion battery cells from 3 different commercial electric vehicles manufactured by an automotive company for the reverse engineering investigation. We disassembled and analyzed each of the cathode sheets, the anode sheets, and the separator sheets using multiple analytical instruments.
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Bipolar Plate Analyses by GD-OES and Raman
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Bipolar Plate Analyses by GD-OES and Raman
Bipolar plates are key components of proton exchange membrane fuel cells – they notably distribute fuel gas and air and conduct electricity. Various materials and surface treatments have been developed to improve their properties. Here, we described a reverse engineering study on a bipolar plate from a commercial vehicle using GD-OES and Raman spectroscopy. The analyses revealed that the plate had an amorphous carbon coating on a titanium base plate.
Studying perovskite solar cells with HORIBA Scientific equipment
Studying perovskite solar cells with HORIBA Scientific equipment
With their ~20 % efficiency, hybrid perovskite solar cells are the new promising candidate for next generation photovoltaics. Thanks to the wide HORIBA Scientific portfolio, different techniques can be used to gain in depth knowledge on the optoelectronic properties and mechanisms of this class of materials. In this application note we decided to use spectroscopic ellipsometry, steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence and Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy to investigate the properties of CH3NH3PbI3 thin films deposited on a spin-coated PEDOT:PSS. The impact of the exposure to air was addressed.
MoS2/Pb nanocomposite coatings for solid lubricants application
MoS2/Pb nanocomposite coatings for solid lubricants application
Depth profile analysis by GDOES. Pulsed RF Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry offers ultra-fast elemental depth profiling capability for the investigation of thin and thick films. Thanks to the use of a pulsed RF source, coupled with a high resolution optical spectrometer, the GD Profiler 2 provides an excellent depth resolution, allowing the fast evaluation of the coating quality. In this application note, we focus on a MoS2/Pb composite multilayered sample, used as a solid lubricant. The analysis of such a sample shows the excellent performance of this instrument for the study of nm-thick complex coatings.
How to analyse your electroplated coating?
How to analyse your electroplated coating?
Pulsed Radio Frequency Glow Discharge-Optical Emission Spectrometry was used to study different electroplated samples. The flexibility of the spot size, the use of a pulsed RF source and the introduction of the differential interferometry profiling make RF GD-OES a key technique for the electroplating industry.
What’s Protecting Your Mobile Screen? A Depth Profile of Polymer Protection Covers Using Raman and UFS-GDOES
What’s Protecting Your Mobile Screen? A Depth Profile of Polymer Protection Covers Using Raman and UFS-GDOES
Pulsed RF Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry, coupled with the Ultra Fast Sputtering system, offers the Ultra Fast Elemental Depth Profiling of plastic thin films Polymer Mobile Screen Protection Covers. By coupling this technique with the Raman spectroscopy z-Scan analysis it is possible to acquire important information concerning the fabrication of smartphone screen protectors.
Do You Know What is Protecting Your Telephone Screen
Do You Know What is Protecting Your Telephone Screen
Optimization and follow up of manufacturing process of plastics films are easily achieved using Pulsed RF Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry. This technique allows the fast detection of defects and presence of contaminants. The GD Profiler 2 can be a key instrument during the optimization and follow up of manufacturing process. Indeed, GDOES is a fast technique which allows the easy comparison of different materials, the detection of defects and the presence of contaminants. Moreover, combined with the «UFS» system, it proves to be a flexible technique for organic and hybrid materials opening numerous new applications domain.
Depth Profile Analysis of Organic and Organic/Inorganic Multilayered Materials by Pulsed RF GDOES
Depth Profile Analysis of Organic and Organic/Inorganic Multilayered Materials by Pulsed RF GDOES
Examples of application of pulsed RF GDOES to the analysis of polymer layers and organic/inorganic films have been show illustrating the possibilities of the technique. Thanks to the use of pulsed RF source and UFS, GDOES takes its role in the multidimensional characterization of advanced multilayered organic materials where its specific strong points (speed, ease of use, large observation zone, measurement of all elements) are of great interest.
GDOES, the Analytical Companion Tool for Magnetron Sputtering Deposition
GDOES, the Analytical Companion Tool for Magnetron Sputtering Deposition
Pulsed RF GDOES is a companion analytical tool for magnetron sputtering deposition. Magnetron sputtering is a type of Plasma Vapour Deposition. The vacuum chamber of the PVD coating machine is filled with an inert gas, such as argon. By applying a high voltage (RF, HIPIMS etc), a glow discharge is created, resulting in acceleration of ions to the target surface and a plasma coating. The argon-ions will eject sputtering materials from the target surface (sputtering), resulting in a sputtered coating layer on the products in front of the target.
H&D Measurement of Hydrogen (and Deuterium) by RF GDOES
H&D Measurement of Hydrogen (and Deuterium) by RF GDOES
RF GD OES is well known for ultra fast elemental depth profile of thin and thick films. All elements can be measured including Hydrogen (H) which is important in many application fields - for corrosion studies, for PV, in metallurgy, for the development of hydrogen storage materials and for all polymeric coatings studies to name a few. The most sensitive emission line for H is in the VUV range at 121,567 nm.
Features and Benefits of Pulsed RF GD OES for the Characterisation of Electrodes of Li-ion Batteries.
Features and Benefits of Pulsed RF GD OES for the Characterisation of Electrodes of Li-ion Batteries.
A Li-ion battery is a rechargeable battery in which lithium ions move between the anode and the cathode creating an electricity flow. Whether you study new electrodes or coatings behaviors, charge and discharge processes, process controls, or perform comparative studies for Li-ion batteries, Pulsed RF Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry is a valuable companion tool.
Pulsed RF GDOES for the analysis of films containing metal and metal oxide nanoparticles
Pulsed RF GDOES for the analysis of films containing metal and metal oxide nanoparticles

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* 는 필수입력항목입니다.

Product accessories

GDOES Accessories
GDOES Accessories

Accessories for samples with various shapes, sizes and properties

GDOES Software
GDOES Software

Quantum and Image

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