HORIBA’s chemical concentration monitors are used in critical cleaning and etching processes of high tech industries like the semiconductor manufacturing process. Our monitors measure the concentration of various chemical materials i.e. SC-1, SC-2, SPM, HF etc. in real-time.
HORIBA's chemical concentration monitors can measure single components as well as up to eight components simultaneously (depending on product model). HORIBA’s in line and offline high performance process monitors ensure a perfect match to your manufacturing process and facilities.
All our models require low maintenance and are extremely robust. They offer highly accurate and repeatable process monitoring to improve your high value process and reduce waste.
HORIBA’s chemical concentration monitors are used in critical cleaning and etching processes of high tech industries like the semiconductor manufacturing process. Our monitors measure the concentration of various chemical materials i.e. SC-1, SC-2, SPM, HF etc. in real-time.
HORIBA's chemical concentration monitors can measure single components as well as up to eight components simultaneously (depending on product model). HORIBA’s in line and offline high performance process monitors ensure a perfect match to your manufacturing process and facilities.
All our models require low maintenance and are extremely robust. They offer highly accurate and repeatable process monitoring to improve your high value process and reduce waste.
pH is one of the most common parameters tested across a wide range of industries. HORIBA’s in-line pH monitors are used in the manufacturing process for various industries; including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage and agriculture.
Where there is a need to continuously measure pH, our high quality in-line pH monitors can help improve manufacturing quality and productivity by collecting and recording critical process data over time.
Some manufacturing industries require a consistent and reliable source of purified or ultra-pure water. Examples of these are: Semiconductor, Pharmaceutical and Power Generation. Water is treated to remove impurities and conditioned depending on the application.
HORIBA offer a highly sensitive silica monitor for monitoring ultra-pure or purified water. This monitor is widely used in the cutting-edge semiconductor manufacturing process.
Stand-alone Type Chemical Concentration Monitor
Chemical Solution Monitoring System
Fiber Optic Type Chemical Concentration Monitor
광섬유형 고온 인산 농도 모니터
High Precision, High Stability Chemical Concentration Monitor
비접촉 화학물질 농도 모니터
온도 센서
저농도 용존 산소 모니터
용존 산소 농도 모니터
카본 센서 전도도계 (저농도형)
구연산 모니터
KOH 모니터
인산 모니터
고정밀 TMAH 농도 모니터
카본 센서 전도도계 (고농도형)
카본 센서 전도도계
평탄 카본 센서 전도도계
2-채널 저항률계
황산/과산화수소 모니터 (저농도)
인라인 센서 및 자동 범위 전환 농도 모니터
2-채널 고정밀 HF 농도 모니터
용해 오존 모니터
H2O2 모니터
고감도 실리카 분석기
마이크로 볼륨 pH 모니터
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