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Photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL) is a powerful optical method used for characterizing semiconductor materials. PL is based on shining light on sample: upon light absorption an electron-hole pair is created: an electron from the valence band jumps to the conduction band leaving a hole. The photon emitted upon recombination corresponds to the energy-difference between the valence and conduction bands and is hence lower in energy than the excitation photon. PL can be used to find:

  • Optical and Electronic properties
  • Trace elements/dopants
  • Band Gap
  • Stress
  • Defects/impurities
  • Variation in material composition
  • Wafer uniformity assessment

HORIBA Scientific is a world leader in optical spectroscopy, with benefits of more than 50 years of innovation in the technique. PL characterization allows valuable insights into the properties of semiconductor materials such as group IV semiconductors, compound semiconductors, 2D materials, and their devices.

 LabRAM SoleilLabRAM Odyssey SemiconductorSMS
Wavelength range300-1600 nm200 nm-2200 nm250 – 14000 nm
LasersUp to 4 built in fully motorized and computer controlledUp to 6 fully motorizedUp to 3, semi-motorized
Sample size acceptance8”12”12”
DetectorOpen Electrode CCD, optional EMCCD, optional InGaAs arrays detector (max. 2 detectors).Open Electrode CCD, optical EMCCD, optical inGaAs arrays detector (max. 3 detectoers).CCD, IGA and sigle channel

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