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Raman Analytical Solutions

Every challenge meets its solution

From routine quality control to advanced industrial lab applications, HORIBA Raman spectrometers give fast and highly accurate and valuable results. Including all the latest innovative technologies, our benchtop, microscopy, and dedicated Raman systems offer fully automated analyses.

As an optical components designer and manufacturer for more than two centuries, you are assured that all our Raman systems offer the perfect combination of high performance and ease of use. Our instruments enable you to obtain complete chemical non-destructive analysis or obtain a high-resolution microscopic picture in less than one minute. With all the systems' advanced capabilities, even challenging samples are now accessible:

Application labs and specialists support your methods development worldwide
Easy-to-use LabSpec6 software, with its exclusive application store, ensures maximum modularity
•Unprecedented Fully-automated systems improve laboratory efficiency

Raman microscopes and imaging systems

Raman microscopes perfectly combines morphological and spatial imaging with chemical information. This kind of analysis is designed for various samples like organic or inorganic materials and biologicals, like tissues or cells.

LabRAM Soleil Raman Microscope full view

LabRAM Soleil™

The result of 50 years of expertise in Raman spectroscopy, LabRAM Soleil™ offers unprecedented capabilities for Raman multimodal confocal imaging, in a compact footprint.

Due to the high level of automation implemented, high optical throughput, objective recognition, motorized switching mirrors, ultra-fast mapping capabilities with SmartSampling™ and QScan™, fast motorized 4-grating turret, high speed auto-alignment and new options offered by the LabSpec 6 software suite, the LabRAM Soleil™ is ready to work 24 hours a day with minimal human supervision.


Up to ten times faster than all the other confocal Raman microscopes, this robust device combines ease of use and maximum resolution and detail. From nano materials studies to pharmaceutical samples, polymers or forensics sciences, this modular system is adapted for every analytical and research lab's challenges.

Benchtop Raman

Raman spectrometry is the fastest non-destructive technique to identify any type of sample (powder, liquids or gas) with high accuracy. It is the ideal way to perform routine work, follow the synthesis process, quality control (QA/QC) and teach Raman.


This innovative benchtop instrument perfectly combines robustness and high sensitivity. Its high sensitivity optical system ensures exact results, even for most complex samples. Designed to be user friendly and capable of in situ measurements, MacroRAM is the new standard as a partner for all labs.

Raman software

LabSpec 6 Spectroscopy Suite

Common to all HORIBA Raman systems, the LabSpec6 Spectroscopy Suite software, and its exclusive application store, enables all users to perform even the most challenging analysis. Its modern interface ensures quick start to maximized laboratory efficiency. Results and analysis have also never been this easy.

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