PowderJet Dry Feeder System - HORIBA
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PowderJet Dry Feeder System

The Partica LA-960V2 Powderjet dry feeder accessory combines several unique and patented features to provide the most reproducible dry measurements. Use the Auto Measurement function to control vacuum, air pressure, powder flow, start/stop conditions, measurement duration, and data processing. Designed to handle every application including small sample amounts, friable powders, and highly agglomerated materials.

Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA, Ltd.
Smart Scans - Trigger Function

This function allows precious materials to be measured accurately. When the sample amount is limited, or has low flowability, the trigger function starts and stops the measurement with faultless precision.

Self-adjusting Powder Flow

Historically, the biggest challenge in dry powder measurement involves establishing an even powder flow. The Partica LA-960V2 Powderjet has solved that challenge with a self-adjusting feedback loop to maintain constant laser transmittance. This is a crucial factor in creating reliable, reproducible dry powder size measurements.

Typical Applications
  • Food materials, drugs, washing powder, and other samples easily soluble in water.
  • Granules and granulated powder formed by agglomerating and processing particles.
  • Polymers and resins that swell when dispersed in water or solvent.
  • Powders with water-repellent coating.


Available chutes

Standard chute - Equipped with every Powderjet Dry Feeder and used for most powders.
Coated chute - This coated chute is useful for samples which adhere to the stainless steel standard chute.
V-type chute - This chute is ideal for both small amounts of powder and powder which does not flow easily, e.g. magnetic powders.
Vacuum sampler - This accessory is useful for measuring very small amounts of powder. *Sampling table is included

Testing 3-30 µm on LA-960V2 with PowderJet Dry Feeder
Testing 3-30 µm on LA-960V2 with PowderJet Dry Feeder
Glass bead standards are commonly used to verify accuracy and proper operation of laser diffraction particle size analyzers. The PowderJet Dry Feeder (LY-9605) is the dry feeder attachment for the LA-960V2, allowing powders to be run with air pressure dispersion. The sniffer attachment is used with small amounts of samples, allowing the user to manually feed sample into the instrument.

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* 는 필수입력항목입니다.

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