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Cathodoluminescence - CLUE Series

Cathodoluminescence CLUE Series

Cathodoluminescence Solutions for Electron Microscopy

HORIBA Scientific's Cathodoluminescence Universal Extension enhances any SEM’s analytical capabilities while maintaining its original functionality. Since the sample is able to remain in the same spot, CLUE can easily be combined with other microscopy applications, such as EDS and EBIC.

Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA France SAS

CLUE systems include HORIBA's MicroHR, iHR and LabRAM series spectrometers, Synapse Plus™ and SyncerityTM CCDs and EMCCDs, SymphonyTM InGaAs arrays as well as photomultiplier tube detectors to create an unrivalled flexibility.
CLUE is also fully automated, controlled by LabSpec 6TM simply powerful software, which  experimental parameters, data-fitting, display and export. It is easy to use and offers comprehensive system control, and advanced data acquisition routines.



i-CLUE-e                Fast Imaging CL

Plug-and-play fast CL imaging module features: 

  • Field upgradable to complete hyperspectral CL solution
  • Ultra-compact panchromatic CL detection with PMT  detection (200-900nm)
  • Manually retractable ellipsoidal mirror with fine positioning adjustment
  • Large field of view with High NA diamond turned mirror
  • Driven by EM software
  • Remote control for Contrast, Brightness, Gain , Reverse signal,  High voltage

F-CLUE-e          Spectroscopy & Imaging CL

Rugged Fiber coupled CL Add-on detector features:

  • Ultra-compact multi-detector CL imaging & Spectroscopy
  • iHR320 ,  1 Entrance  2Exits ports  7 mm  slits
  • PMT 185-900 nm , integrated HV , CLLINK controller
  • Deep cooled CCD Open Electrode 200-1100nm
  • Fully driven by Labspec 6 Software
  • Manually retractable ellipsoidal mirror with fine positioning adjustment
  • Large field of view with High NA diamond turned mirror
  • Remote control for Contrast, Brightness, Gain , Reverse signal,  High voltage

F-CLUE-p          Spectroscopy & Imaging CL

Fiber coupled CL Add-on detector features:

  • Ultra-compact multi-detector CL imaging & Spectroscopy
  • iHR320 ,  1 Entrance  2Exits ports  7 mm  slits
  • PMT 185-900 nm , integrated HV , CLLINK controller
  • Deep cooled CCD Open Electrode 200-1100nm
  • Fully driven by Labspec 6 Software
  • Motorized retractable parabolic mirror with fine positioning adjustment
  • Large field of view with High NA diamond turned mirror
  • Remote control for Contrast, Brightness, Gain , Reverse signal,  High voltage

H-CLUE-p          Spectroscopy & Imaging CL

Directly coupled high sensitivity CL Add-on detector features:

    • Wide spectral range multi-detector CL imaging & Spectroscopy
    • iHR320 ,  1 Entrance  2Exits ports  7 mm  slits
    • PMT 185-900 nm , integrated HV , CLLINK controller
    • Deep cooled CCD Open Electrode 200-1100nm
    • Fully driven by Labspec 6 Software
    • Motorized retractable parabolic mirror with fine positioning adjustment
    • Large field of view with High NA diamond turned mirror
    • Remote control for Contrast, Brightness, Gain , Reverse signal,  High voltage
    • Angle Resolved CL, Time Resolved CL, polarization…

    R-CLUE-p          Spectroscopy & Imaging CL , Raman & PL

    Fiber coupled versatile SEM-Raman-PL-CL Add-on detector features:

      • Field upgradable on your Raman microscope
      • Multi-laser and multi-detector Raman, PL and CL Add-on for Scanning Electron Microscope imaging & Spectroscopy
      • Various focal lengths spectrometers
      • Deep cooled CCD Open Electrode 200-1100nm
      • Fully driven by Labspec 6 Software
      • Motorized retractable parabolic mirror with fine positioning adjustment
      • Large field of view with High NA diamond turned mirror
      • Remote control for Contrast, Brightness, Gain , Reverse signal,  High voltage


      Co-localized microscopy techniques for pyrite mineral spatial characterization
      Co-localized microscopy techniques for pyrite mineral spatial characterization
      In this study we have chosen to investigate pyrite and its surrounding minerals in order to identify the different mineral phases as well as the chemical variations from micro- to nano-scale. Using the different microscopes instruments and being co-localized allows a comprehensive characterization of the sample and a precise superimposition of all the images.
      Defect Evaluation of GaN Epitaxial Wafer by CL
      Defect Evaluation of GaN Epitaxial Wafer by CL
      The threading dislocation occurs easily in GaN crystal grown on sapphire substrates. It is said that this is caused by the large lattice mismatch of sapphire and GaN. The crystal may seem to be uniform in the SEM image, but the dark spot such as the threading dislocation can be observed when measuring the CL intensity image at the wavelength (362nm) which corresponds to the band edge emission.
      Luminescent Defects in Synthetic CVD Diamond Films Localized by Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy
      Luminescent Defects in Synthetic CVD Diamond Films Localized by Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy
      The characterization of synthetic CVD diamond material by hyperspectral cathodoluminescence spectroscopy and imaging allows the detection and accurate location of the promising NV luminescent point defects for innovative solid-state quantum mechanical systems. In this work we performed CVD epitaxial growth on a pattern of micro-pillars etched on a diamond substrate. Cathodoluminescence (CL) analysis revealed that NV centres were successfully localized at the edges of the pillars.
      The Evaluation of Phosphor for White LEDs by CL Image
      The Evaluation of Phosphor for White LEDs by CL Image
      Phosphor plays a key role to obtain white light as for blue LED + phosphor and near ultraviolet LED + phosphors. In order to improve high bright white LEDs, it is necessary that the whole phosphor particle emits light homogeneously. When measuring with CL the phosphor used as white LED, the area which does not emit light in phosphor particle can be observed. CL system is used for evaluation of non-luminescent area to improve luminescent efficiency and characteristics.

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      제품 문의

      HORIBA제품의 자세한 정보를 원하시면, 아래의 양식에 내용을 입력을 부탁드립니다.

      * 는 필수입력항목입니다.

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      Labspec 6
      Labspec 6

      Spectroscopy and imaging software

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