장초점거리 분광계
Dynamic Image Analysis
A Simple, Fast, “Column Free” Molecular Fingerprinting Technology
The Gold Standard for Water CDOM Research
Automated Organic Analysis & Early Warning Sentinel
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer for Simple Thin Film Measurement
OEM gratings design and production capabilities
Cathodoluminescence Solutions for Electron Microscopy
Dual Mode Analog/Photon Counting PMT
OEM miniature spectrograph
Pulsed Laser and LED Light Sources
TCSPC Lifetime Kit
Fluorescence and Absorbance Spectrometer
산소/질소/수소 분석기
산소/질소/수소 분석기
탄소/황 분석기
탄소/유황 분석기
탄소/황 분석기 (인덕션 퍼니스 타입)
Direct Imaging Particle Analyzer
Compact Hyperspectral Cathodoluminescence
OEM gratings design and production capabilities
Imaging camera for dynamic FLIM studies at real time video rates
Modular Research Fluorometer for Lifetime and Steady State Measurements
Steady State and Lifetime Benchtop Spectrofluorometer
Forensic Light Source
Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer
Double monochromator
Pulse compression gratings using holographic techniques
Space qualified and TRL9
Holographic Lamellar Gratings
Versatile Hyperspectral Cathodoluminescence
Imaging Scanning Monochromator
High efficiency dedicated process Raman spectrometer for rugged and robust Raman monitoring.
OEM gratings design and production capabilities
OEM gratings design and production capabilities
HORIBA’s latest development in TCSPC detector technology
Hyperspectral Imaging Spectrometer Applications
중초점 길이 이미징 분광기
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Platform
Ultra Compact and Broad Range Spectrometer
Confocal Raman Microscope
Confocal Raman & High-Resolution Spectrometer
AFM-Raman for physical and chemical imaging
Photoluminescence and Raman Wafer Imaging
Raman Microscope
Real-time and Direct Correlative Nanoscopy
Compact Deuterium, Tungsten Halogen or Glow Bar Light Source
High Sensitivity Imaging Spectrograph
Affordable Benchtop Raman Spectrometer
X선 형광 분석기
X선 형광 분석기
X선 형광 유중의 황/염소 분석기
X-ray Fluorescence Sulfur/Chlorine-in-oil Analyzer
Photoluminescence Microspectrometer
Mini Raman Spectrometer
Compact High Resolution CMOS or CCD Spectrometer
Bench-top macroscopic Raman spectrometer
OEM gratings design and production capabilities
Collaborative Correlative Microscopy
X, Y, Θ Absolute Position Encoder
X, Y, Θ Position Calibration Plate For Machine Vision and Microscopy
Pulsed Laser and LED Light Sources
Steady State and Lifetime Nanotechnology EEM Spectrofluorometer
나노입자 분석기
Compact Spectrometer for OCT
OEM Raman Filters
Only available for volume OEM purchase, minimum order quantity 50 units.
OEM Miniature Raman Systems and Components
UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer
Manual label-free molecular interaction analysis machine Flexible Research Platform
Choose from a large assortment of optical components for your custom spectroscopy solutions
원심 나노 입자 분석기
레이저 산란 입자 크기 분포 분석기
레이저 회절 입도 분포 분석기
Multichannel Spectrometer and Hyperspectral Line Imager
Multispectra, Multifiber, Multichannel Imaging spectrometer with 8-16-32 Simultaneous UV-NIR Spectra
Multichannel Grating Spectrometer
Rapid Raman Plate Reader – Multiwell Fast Raman screening
Hyperspectral Imaging Spectrometer
DUAL & QUAD CCD Mini-Spectrometer
Broadband Xe Light Source
Single photons detection with picosecond accuracy
DeltaRAM-X based millisecond ratio fluorescence QuantaMaster spectrofluorometer
Raman Photoluminescence & Cathodoluminescence
Raman Spectrometers
MINI-CCT+ Mini Raman Spectrometer
Fiber coupled microscope
OEM gratings design and production capabilities
BET Flowing Gas Surface Area Analyzers
BET Surface Area Analyzers
Reflective Ultra Violet Imaging System
Scanning Probe Microscope with Chemical Signature
Large choice of PMTs, solid state, photoelectric detectors for custom spectroscopy solutions
X선 형광 유황 분석기
X선 형광 유황 분석기
Powerful and Cost Effective Spectroscopic Ellipsometer
Add Spectroscopy to ANY Microscope
LED Phosphorescence Light Sources
Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Deep Cooled High Speed Scientific CMOS Camera
Ultra-compact Scientific Uncooled CMOS Camera
EMCCD Scientific Camera
OEM CCD Camera
Deep Cooled UV/Vis/NIR and VUV Scientific Cameras
Deep Cooled Vacuum Ultra Violet Scientific Cameras
나노 입자 분석기
Raman accessory for pharmaceuticals
Short Focal Length Triple Grating Imaging Spectrographs
Versatile AFM Optical Coupling
Tunable Broadband Light Sources
Tunable 75W Xe Light Source
Ultra Fast TCSPC Lifetime Fluorometer
고해상도, 고감도, 고안정성 ICP-OES
Affordable high performance ICP-OES
for UV Raman spectroscopists
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer from FUV to NIR: 190 to 2100 nm
A-TEEM Spectroscopy
A-TEEM Spectroscopy
멀티 레이저 나노 입자 추적 분석기
Miniature High Throughput Spectrometer
High Spectral Rate and High Dynamic Range Miniature Spectrometers
Miniature Multi Communication UV-NIR Spectrometer
Highest SNR PDA Miniature Spectrometer
Miniature 18-Bit Spectrometer
Cost-effective, High-performance Mini Spectrometer
Most Compact Vacuum UV Back-Illuminated CCD Spectrometer (VUV-FUV)
Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer
X선 분석 현미경(Micro-XRF)
X선 분석 현미경 초대형 챔버 모델
AFM-Raman for Physical and Chemical imaging
Raman Spectrometer - Confocal Raman Microscope
Next Generation Total Nitrogen and Total Sulfur Analyzer