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TERS Characterization of Graphene Nanoribbons

Nano-scale Characterization of Lithography Induced Damage of Graphene

TERS Characterization of Graphene Nanoribbons

Graphene is foreseen for a handful of electronic and optoelectronic nano-devices. Making nano-devices out of graphene requires nanopatterning. Determining the quality of patterned graphene is essential and the detection of defects demands a sensitive chemical nano-characterization tool.

This application note reports on the TERS nanocharacterization of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) fabricated by electron beam lithography. The chemical nanoresolution achievable by TERS reveals the presence of amorphous carbon at the edge of the GNRs and locates organic residues. TERS can be considered as a valuable tool for characterizing nanopatterned graphene, an essential step for the development of graphene-based nano-devices.

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