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Correlated TERS and KPFM of Graphene Oxide Flakes

Nano-localization of Chemical Groups in Graphene Oxide Flakes

Correlated TERS and KPFM of Graphene Oxide Flakes

Visualizing the distribution of structural defects and functional groups present on the surface of two-dimensional (2D) materials such as graphene oxide challenges the sensitivity and spatial resolution of most advanced analytical techniques.

AFM-Raman and its TERS mode are used to show nanoscale surface mapping of structural defects and chemical groups on graphene oxide (GO) flakes with 10 nm spatial resolution. TERS mapping is combined with Kelvin probe force microscopy measurements for simultaneous topographical, electronic and chemical imaging of GO surface. The multi-parameter measurement methodology proposed in this note extends the capability of TERS allowing a direct correlation of local chemical composition and physical properties at the nanoscale not only for 2D materials but for almost any sample surface.

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