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nanoPartica SZ-100V2 Series


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Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA, Ltd.

Particle Size Measurement Range 0.3 nm to 10 µm

The SZ-100V2 Series measures particle size and particle distribution width by dynamic light scattering (DLS).
Analysis across a wide range of sample concentrations: Measurement of samples ranging from low ppm-order concentrations to high-concentration samples in double-digit percentages is possible. Accepts commercially available sampling cells. Analysis of small-volume samples is also possible.

Zeta Potential Measurement – 500 to + 500 mV

Analysis of sample volumes as small as 100 μL using HORIBA-developed microelectrophoresis cells. Use the value of zeta potential to predict and control dispersion stability. High zeta potential magnitudes indicate a stable dispersion, useful for formulation work.

Molecular weight 1 × 103 to 2 × 107 Da

Absolute molecular weight (Mw) and the second virial coefficient (A2) are obtained by performing static light scattering measurement as a function of sample concentration and preparing Debye plots.

The SZ-100V2 Series applies sophisticated intelligence and learning capability to rapidly determine nanoparticle properties!

  • Since the SZ-100V2 Series analyzer covers a wide sample concentration measurement range, sample dilution and other preprocessing is nearly eliminated.
  • The use of a dual optical system enables measurement of high-concentration samples such as slurry and ink pigments as well as low-concentration proteins and polymers.
  • A single device analyzes the three parameters that characterize nanoparticles: particle size, zeta potential, and molecular weight.
  • HORIBA-developed cells for zeta potential measurement prevent sample contamination. Simple analysis by means of ultra micro-volume dedicated cells (volume as low as 100 μL). Suitable for analysis of dilute samples.
  • HORIBA-developed electrode for zeta potential cell made from carbon material, the material is not corroded by high salt samples such as saline.

­SZ-100-S2 Measurement Specifications


SZ-100-S2 (particle size and molecular weight measurement only)

Measurement principles

Particle size measurement: Dynamic Light Scattering
Molecular weight measurement: Debye plot method (static scattered light intensity)

Measurement range

Particle size: 0.3 nm to 10 μm
Molecular weight: 1000 to 2 x 107 Da (Debye plot)
                             540 to 2 x 107 Da (MHS Equation)*1

Maximum sample concentration

40 wt%*2

Particle size measurement accuracy

Measurement accuracy of ±2% for NIST traceable polystyrene latex
100 nm spheres (not including variation in the standard particles themselves)

Measurement angles

90° and 173° (automatic or manual selection)



Measurement time

Approx. 2 min. under ordinary conditions
(from the start of measurement to the display of results for particle size measurement)

Required sample volume

Minimum volume of 12 μL*3 to 1000 μL (differs depending on cell material)

Usable liquids

Water, ethanol, organic solvents


*1: Mark-Howink-Sakurada Equation, depending on sample.
*2: Depending on sample.
*3: F Micro-cell.


SZ-100-Z2 Measurement Specifications
(Particle size and molecular weight measurement specifications are the same as for the SZ-100-S2.)


SZ-100-Z2 (with zeta potential measurement unit)

Measurement principle

Zeta potential measurement: Laser Doppler electrophoresis

Measurement range

-500 to +500 mV

Size range suitable for measurement

Minimum 2.0 nm, Maximum 100 μm*4

Measurement conductivity range

0 to 20 S/m*5

Maximum sample concentration

40 wt%*6


Dedicated cell with electrodes

Measurement time

Approx. 2 min. under ordinary conditions

Required sample volume

100 μL

Carrier fluids



*4: Depending on sample.
*5: Recommended sample conductivity range: 0 to 2 S/m.
*6: Depending on sample.


Analyzer Specifications (SZ-100-S2 and SZ-100-Z2)

Measuring unit optical system

Light source: Diode pumped frequency doubled laser (532 nm, S2 / Z2 10 mW, HS2 / HZ2 100 mW)
Detectors: Photomultiplier tubes (PMT)

Laser classification

Class I

Operating temperature and humidity

15 - 35 °C, RH 85% or less (no condensing)

Holder temperature control temperature settings

0 - 90 °C (up to 70 °C for cells with electrodes and plastic cells)


Dry gas purge port tube connection is possible.

Power supply

AC 100 - 240 V, 50/60 Hz, 150 VA


528 (W) x 385 (D) x 273 (H) mm (excluding protrusions)


25 kg

Personal computer

Windows computer with one available USB port


USB 2.0 (between measuring unit and PC)


Windows® 10 and Window® 11 64bit


Dimensions (mm)



Particle size cells

 Cell nameMin volumeSolvent
ADisposable cell1.2 mLAqueous
BSemi-micro cell500 µLAqueous, non-aqueous
CGlass cell1.2 mLAqueous, non-aqueous
DSemi-micro disposable cell600 µLAqueous
ECell with lid1.2 mLAqueous, non-aqueous
FMicro cell (90° only)12 µLAqueous, non-aqueous
GSub-micro cell200 µLAqueous, non-aqueous
HFlow cell100 µLAqueous, non-aqueous


Zeta potential cells

Zeta potential cells
Disposable zeta potential cells for aqueous measurements. Box of 20 Volume = 100 µL

Disposable zeta potential cells
Non-aquoeus zeta potential cell. Volume = 100 µL

Zeta Potential of Proteins
Zeta Potential of Proteins
This application note presents data from the SZ-100 using cells with unique, patented carbon coated electrodes that facilitate zeta potential measurements of proteins.
Zeta Potential of Polyelectrolytes
Zeta Potential of Polyelectrolytes
The zeta potential of polyethylenimine, PEI, is measured as a function of polymer concentration with the SZ-100 Nanoparticle Analyzer. Charged polymers, that is, polyelectrolytes can be analyzed with the SZ-100.
Zeta Potential of Clay for Wastewater Treatment
Zeta Potential of Clay for Wastewater Treatment
In this note, the effect of coagulant choice and concentration on the treatment of suspended clays is analyzed.
DLS vs. Diffraction of Flavor Emulsions
DLS vs. Diffraction of Flavor Emulsions
The particle size distribution of many flavor emulsions has a substantial effect on their performance. Particle size distribution can affect mouth feel, appearance, and emulsion stability.
Wastewater Treatment Optimization with Zeta Potential
Wastewater Treatment Optimization with Zeta Potential
Suspended solids are a common impurity in wastewater from industrial and mining operations. In order for water clarity, the suspended solids are often allowed to settle. The duration of these processes is a strong function of the particle size. Thus, if particles can be made to aggregate, the settling process is shorter and the treatment operation is faster and less expensive.
Sizing Silica Particles by DLS
Sizing Silica Particles by DLS
In this application note, the particle sizes of two different silica dispersions are analyzed to demonstrate the utility of the SZ-100 for both suppliers and users of such materials.
Nanoparticle Analysis
Nanoparticle Analysis
Nanotechnology is extremely diverse, ranging from novel extensions of conventional device physics, to completely new approaches based upon molecular self-assembly and to developing new materials with dimensions on the nanoscale. Materials reduced to the nanoscale can show different properties compared to what they exhibit on a macroscale, enabling unique applications.
Metal Nanoparticle Size and Surface Charge (Zeta Potential)
Metal Nanoparticle Size and Surface Charge (Zeta Potential)
Metal nanoparticles (also known as colloidal metal) have been around for a very long time. Both pure metal and metal oxide colloids are used in a wide variety of applications including catalysts, ferrofluids, biological markers, and many others. Particle size and zeta potential of these suspensions are critical physical parameters that affect functionality and stability.
Protein Aggregation and Size Analysis
Protein Aggregation and Size Analysis
The study of protein aggregation encompasses a broad range of interactions and mechanisms. The LA-960 laser diffraction particle size analyzer possesses the unique ability to measure from 10 nanometers to 5 millimeters, accurately detecting the aggregates and, in some cases, the primary protein size.
Titanium Dioxide Particle Size
Titanium Dioxide Particle Size
Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) is a pigment used in paints and many other applications. The particle size of titanium dioxide directly impacts its performance in numerous applications, necessitating the measurement and control of this important property.
Viruses and Virus-Like Particles
Viruses and Virus-Like Particles
A virus particle consists of several parts including the genetic material (DNA or RNA), a protein coat that protects these genes, and in some cases an envelope of lipids that surrounds the protein coat when they are outside a cell.
Particle Analysis for Cosmetics
Particle Analysis for Cosmetics
Many cosmetic products include particulate material or emulsions. Some examples of cosmetic products consisting of or including particulates include facial powders, moisturizers, and lipstick. The particle size distribution of these components effects appearance, stability, and protection.

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* 는 필수입력항목입니다.

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