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Modular Research Fluorometer for Lifetime and Steady State Measurements

Modular research 등급의 형광분광계의  Fluorolog-QM 시리즈는 세계적으로 유명한 HORIBA Fluorolog의 4세대이며, 1975년 Spex Industries에 의해 첫 번째 Fluorolog가 도입되었습니다.

HORIBA 개발 및 제조 경험을 바탕으로 개발된 Fluorolog-QM은 최고 수준의 분광형광계 성능을 보유하고 있습니다.

정교하고 광학적으로 완벽한 reflective optic, 다양한 광원 및 검출기 옵션과 샘플 핸들링 액세서리와 결합되어 모든 분광형광계 중에서 가장 높은 감도와 가장 넓은 다용도성을 제공합니다.

Fluorolog-QM은 연구소의 모든 까다로운 실험 요구들을 충족시키기 위해 업계에서 가장 광범위한 옵션의 액세서리 리스트를 보유하고 있습니다.
다양한 발광 실험에 적합하도록 기능 및 성능 확장이 가능하며, Fluorlog-QM 구입 후 필요에 따라 언제든지 개선 사항과 액세서리를 시스템에 추가할 수 있습니다.

Fluorolog는 전 세계 수 천개의 대학과 연구소에서 사용되고, 수만 개의 발표 자료를 보유하고 있으며, 가장 까다로운 steady state, time-resolved, TCSPC, PLQY 및 NIR 연구에 가장 적합합니다.



4th generation from the Fluorolog series spectrofluorometers (2:18)


Spectroscopy in :60 - Up Conversion (0:60)


Spectroscopy in :60 - SSTD (0:60)

Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA Scientific

Unique Fluorolog-QM™ Benefits

  • All reflective optics for perfect performance at all wavelengths
  • Highest guaranteed sensitivity (more than double that of the Fluorolog-3)
  • Excellent stray light rejection with extra-large, coma corrected, 350 mm single, or 700 mm double additive monochromators
  • New software for all steady state and lifetimes experiments, with many new features
  • Extended wavelength range from Deep UV to NIR
  • Up to four light source types, and six detectors, can all be connected at once, under computer control, for ultimate lab versatility
  • World class, plug and play, TCSPC lifetime enhancements, at speeds up to 100 MHz
  • NIR steady state and phosphorescence lifetime detection to 5,500 nm
  • Deep UV excitation down to 180 nm


For more features download the Fluorolog-QM brochure


Optional Pulsed Laser and LED Light Sources

The following specifications are for the standard Fluorolog-QM-75-22 system.
Options and upgrades may be available upon request.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio(>35,000:1 FSD)
Data Acquisition Rate1,000,000 points/sec. to 1 point/1000 sec.
Inputs4 photon counting (TTL); 4 analog (+/- 10 volts); 1 analog reference channel
(+/- 10 volts); 2 TTL
Outputs2 analog (+/- 10 volts); 2 TTL
Emission Range with
standard PMT
185 nm to 900 nm (optional to 5,500 nm)
Light SourceHigh efficiency “ECO” friendly continuous 75 W Xenon arc lamp
(Optional 450 W Xenon)
Excitation and Emission
700 mm, triple grating, coma-aberration corrected, asymmetrical, excitation or emission
optimized, Czerny-Turner design with computer controlled slits at entrance, intermediate
plane and exit.
SlitsComputer controlled, continuously adjustable
Excitation Grating1200 line/mm 300 nm blaze, (Up to two optional gratings can be ordered)
Emission Grating1200 line/mm 400 nm blaze, (Up to two optional gratings can be ordered)
Wavelength Accuracy+/- 0.3 nm
Minimum Step Size0.01 nm (grating dependent)
Standard DetectionMultimode, -20 degrees Celsius cooled, 1600 Volt PMT housing;
Multimode: Photon Counting, 3 analog (fast, medium, slow response),
direct and Single-Shot Transient Digitizer (SSTD) mode,
and Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC), R928P PMT standard (other PMT's available)
R928P PMT Dark Count: 10 counts per second or less  
R928P PMT Maximum
Linear Count Rate:
10,000,000 counts per second  
System ControlComputer interface with FelixFL spectroscopy software
Lifetime Range5 ps to seconds with appropriate time-resolved accessories

HORIBA Scientific has a policy of continuous product development, and reserves the right to amend part numbers,
descriptions and specifications without prior notice.

Selection Guide for Solid State NIR Detectors on the Fluorolog-QM
Selection Guide for Solid State NIR Detectors on the Fluorolog-QM
This technical note serves as a guideline to selecting the best solid state detector with the Fluorolog-QM modular research spectrofluorometer for a given series of photoluminescence experiments.
Photoluminescence Upconversion with the Fluorolog-QM
Photoluminescence Upconversion with the Fluorolog-QM
The new Fluorolog-QM spectrofluorometers, due to their modularity and advanced software and a universal interface, are an ideal choice for studying multiple aspects of upconversion. This technical note illustrates the use of Fluorolog-QM-75-21 for spectral and time-resolved characterization of these materials.
PLQY in NIR with Fluorolog-QM and K-Sphere
PLQY in NIR with Fluorolog-QM and K-Sphere
The Fluorolog-QM fluorescence spectrometer with an integrating sphere option is an excellent choice for PLQY measurements in NIR. The K-Sphere is very convenient and easy to use, as it couples directly to the sample compartment optics and allows a use of external light sources, such as DPSS lasers, which can be attached to the front of the sample compartment. The sphere has holders for cuvettes, slides and powders that can be easily interchanged. The results demonstrate very good reproducibility and precision for NIR PLQY measurements spanning almost two orders of magnitude. Based on multiple measurements, the demonstrated PLQY standard deviations range from 1.3% for high QY value (77%) to 6.4% for the QY below 1%.

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* 는 필수입력항목입니다.

Product accessories

Microsense microliter fluorescence measurement solution
Microsense microliter fluorescence measurement solution

Easy to deposit, easy to recover, easy to clean.


PLQY Integrating Sphere

Rapid Peltier-based temperature-controlled sample holders
Rapid Peltier-based temperature-controlled sample holders

Software-controlled for automated temperature dependent fluorescence

Solid Sample Tray
Solid Sample Tray

Greater Versatility and User Functionality

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