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DYNAS3 HT - High Torque - AC Dynamometer
DYNAS3 - Engine Testing

High Torque Series - AC Dynamometer

High rated torques make DYNAS3 HT dynamometers optimally suitable for testing small and medium-size diesel engines. The wide speed range also permits the testing of spark-ignition engines. The torque behaviour – in combination with high speed gradients – provides the dynamic response required for sophisticated simulation tasks. The DYNAS3 HT series of dynamometers are universal driving and absorption units. The components of the system have been optimized through many years of experience. The DYNAS3 has defined and standardized interfaces which significantly simplify the engineering process involved in setting up the dynamometer to run with your test specimen.

  • Unique combination of speed and torque characteristics for a wide range of test applications
  • Providing a torque range up to 1,484 Nm in combination with high speeds and dynamic behaviour
  • Compact motor design with power range up to 460 kW
  • Air-cooled dynamometer for easy installation and upgrading of existing test cells
  • Measuring flange for highest torque measurement accuracy of real shaft torque


Machine DYNAS3 HT HT
Rated power (absorbing)[kW]250350460 
Rated speed (absorbing)[rpm]3,3283,3252,960 
Rated torque (absorbing)[Nm]7181,0051,484 
Rated power (driving)[kW]235336440 
Rated speed (driving)[rpm]3,2753,2752,920 
Rated torque (driving)[Nm]6859851,439 
Overload factor, absorbing 
Maximum speed nmax[rpm]10,0009,0008,000 
Power at nmax (absorbing)[kW]150235350 
Moment of inertia, machine without attachment[kgm2]0.841.31.62 
Max. speed gradient up to rated speed incl. overload[rpm/s]9,7108,78010,360 


Development of combustion engines on engine test stands
Development of combustion engines on engine test stands

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* 는 필수입력항목입니다.

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