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Automatic Span Gas Unit for Parallel calibration

The multi point calibration unit ASGU-370P is designed for simultaneous (parallel) checking of several gas analyzers. It is primarily installed in laboratories for quality assurance and is also used for the production of gas analyzers.

The calibration unit ASGU-370P will be used for the dynamic and continual manufacture of zero and span gas to perform among other things all ongoing quality control procedures according EN 14211, EN 14212, EN14626 and EN 14625. To produce various span gas the unit uses technologies like dilution, permeation, UV irradiation or Gas Phase Titration.


Division: Ambient
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA (Austria) GmbH
  • Multipoint calibration acc. EN 14211, EN 14212, EN14625 and EN 14626
  • High accuracy of span gas in cause of usage of factory calibrated digital thermal mass flow controllers in high quality
  • One 3 HU unit for calibration of several analyzers. Low space requirement.
  • Simultaneous operation in cause of independent layout of channels (modules)
  • Comfortable operation via big, illuminated Touch-Screen-Display or externally from analyzer               
  • Operation via RS232 and Ethernet interface (Bayern Hessen protocol)
  • Delivery scope includes remote software for easy external handling (Ethernet)
  • High flexibility by free definable span points (up to 20)
  • High flexibility by free definable cycles (e.g., Lack of fit)
  • High flexibility by free definable sequences (stringing cycles together)
  • Programmable timer allows time shifted start of calibration process
  • Internal data logger (option) stores raw values from calibration procedure (set values and actual values, status) for reporting with evaluation software (included in scope of delivery)
  • Adapted to customer’s request
  • Modular Layout enables later upgrade with additional span gas modules


Dilution, Permeation, UV irradiation, Gas Phase Titration, Mixed gas dilution 


Quality control in Laboratory                                                                   

Stage of extension

Up to 6 independent modules possible (parallel operation)

Flow regulation

Digital Mass Flow Controllers

Span gas repeatability

+/- 1%

Span gas linearity

+/- 2% (minimum flow > 20% f.s.)

Permeation System (NO2, SO2, NH3, H2S, BTX)

PID temperature controller with Pt 100 sensor
Temperature: 50 °C
Accuracy ± 0,1 °C
Indication of actual temperature on display

Ozone generator by UV Irradiation

PID temperature controller with Pt 100 sensor
Temperature: 70 °C
Accuracy ± 0,1 °C
Indication of actual temperature on display

Zero Air Supply



Manual (Touch Screen Display)
External from Analyzer (Contact, 24VDC)
External via RS232 (Bayern Hessen Protocol)
External via Ethernet (Remote Software or Bayern Hessen Protocol)


230 VAC, 50Hz 
Power consumption depends on stage of extension


19"(W), 570 mm(D), 3 HU(H)


Depends on stage of extension

Air Quality Monitoring
Air Quality Monitoring
HORIBA offers customer oriented tailor-made system solutions with its state-of-the-art analytical technologies and more than 50 years experience in ambient air market. As your true partner in environmental preservation, we deliver air quality monitoring, indoor air quality monitoring , clean room airborne molecular contamination monitoring , quality control and stationary emission monitoring by diluted stack gas monitoring.

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