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Picking the Perfect Diffraction Dispersion System

Laser diffraction is a powerful technique for accurately determining particle size distribution across a wide range of materials. Its rapid and precise measurements make it an essential tool in various industries, from pharmaceuticals to materials science. While the underlying measurement principles remain consistent across all sample types, good results rely on effective sample presentation.
The ability to choose the right sampling options or upgrade them as needed adds tremendous flexibility and long-term value to your instrumentation. In this webinar, we will delve into the array of available sample presentation options for laser diffraction, each tailored to address specific measurement challenges.
Whether you're working with precious or limited samples, handling high concentration suspensions, managing large sample volumes, or analyzing dry powders, there is a sampling solution designed to optimize your results.
Join us for an in-depth exploration of these sampling techniques, complete with practical advice on selecting the most suitable option for your unique applications. Enhance your understanding and improve the accuracy of your measurements by learning how to effectively present your samples for laser diffraction analysis.


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