February 2025 (PDF for print)
Patient Demography: Male, 65 years old
Symptoms: Generalized weakness, loss of appetite, low-grade fever, weight loss
Diagnosis: Bi-cytopenia: anemia and thrombocytopenia
Microscopy: Blast: 6%, Neutrophil: 13%, Lymphocytes: 14%, Monocytes: 33%, Abnormal monocytes: 14%, Myelocytes: 9%. Dysplasia seen in granulocytic series cells (Degranulation and loss of nuclear segmentation in neutrophil series of cells seen)
How Yumizen Can Assist: On the DIFF scattergram, we observe a population corresponding to the presence of immature cells as an overlap in the Neutrophils and Monocytic threshold. This is due to the dysplasia noted on the WBC differential. The population is situated between the granulocytic-IMG (on slide microscopy seen as Myelocytes, dysplastic neutrophils) and monocytic-IMM (vacuolated Monocytes) immature cell lines.
This clinical case has been provided by Hematology Department, Diagnostics Reference Laboratory, Mumbai, India.
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