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Yumizen H2500 with Yumizen SPS and Yumizen P8000

Chase the Case #27

- Pyropoikilocytosis -

December 2023 
(PDF for print)

Patient Demography: Man, 6 years old

Diagnosis: Hemolytic anemia. Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (favorable result for the molecular panel for hemolytic anemias).

Microscopic Review: Neutrophils: 40%, Eosinophils: 7%, Monocytes: 8%, Lymphocytes: 45%, Erythroblasts: 1%. Fragmented red blood cells

Other Information: Excluding membrane disorders, negative Coombs test, normal hemoglobin electrophoresis, multiple transfusions, iron overload, and the first bloodletting in March 2023. DHL: 396.

How Yumizen Can Assist: The case exhibits significant RBC morphology variability reflected in the RBC histogram, RDW SD, and CV. Reduced MCV, increased MIC%, elevated MCHC with high RDW values suggest a possible hemoglobinopathy with a hemolytic component, seen as fragmented RBCs. This case also emphasizes the utility of Optical Platelet (PLT Ox) count for accurate platelet count due to interference from fragmented RBCs. The increased Reticulocyte values, CRC, and mild increase in RET H, along with eosinophilia may indicate the effect of ongoing hematinic and associated treatments.


This clinical case has been provided by a Brazilian Consultant Pathologist.

HORIBA Medical Chase the Case #15 - Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia

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