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New Yumizen H500 Open Tube_HORIBA Medical_Hematology Analyzer

Chase the Case #25

- Malaria -

October 2023 
(PDF for print)

Patient Demography: 21-year-old male, hospital emergency department

Symptoms: Fever with body ache and rigors

Diagnosis: Malaria Plasmodium Vivax

Other Tests: Typhi Dot IgM Rapid Test  – Negative, Dengue NS1 Rapid Test – Negative

How Yumizen Can Assist: This case shows the utility of the Malaria flag on the Yumizen H500 hematology analyzer assisting physicians at the hospital emergency care department for early specific treatment for Malaria infection. The flagging system not only allows Malaria detection but also helps differential diagnosis with Dengue.


This clinical case has been provided by Shriseva Hospitals & Diagnostic Centre, Talashrin, India.

HORIBA Medical Chase the Case #15 - Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia

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