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Yumizen T6000

Automated Conveyor

The Yumizen T6000 is the innovative HORIBA laboratory automated solution specifically developed for our HELO* Solution. *HORIBA Evolutive Laboratory Organization 

  • Compact & suitable configurations: linear, angular, workcell and island
  • Scalable panel of analytical configurations: from 2 to 6 analyzers (Yumizen H1500 or Yumizen H2500) and until 6 Yumizen SPS per track
  • Fully evolutive solution: ease to add new analyzers in accordance with laboratory activity increases
  • Continuously optimized turn around time: smart workflow management, reactive workload smoothing algorithm, automatic QC rack transfer in-between tracked analyzers
  • Immediate testing, efficient activity peak absorption: from 2 to 6 racks loading areas allowing a loading of 720 tubes
  • Persistent STAT rack priority: STAT racks can be loaded directly on the conveyor in order to be prioritized.


*This product may not be available in your country or region at this time. Please contact your HORIBA sales representative or distributor for more information. 

Segment: Healthcare
Division: Hematology
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA ABX SAS


Chained analyzers

Yumizen H1500, Yumizen H2500

Connection capacityFrom 2 to 6 analyzers

Linear (internal or external), angular (1 angle), workcell (2 angles), island


Rack Conveyor

Loop conveyor with the 2 pneumatic turn modules

Conveyor speed: 10m / min
Integrated barcode readers


In accordance with the customer configuration
Accessibility: 50 cm optimal for backspace


  • Stand-alone configuration (optional furniture):
    • Yumizen H1500/Yumizen H2500 furniture (HWD cm): 90 x 100 x 76
    • Yumizen H2500-Yumizen SPS furniture (HWD cm): 90 x 250 x 76
  • Chained configuration (mandatory furniture):
    • Yumizen H1500/Yumizen H2500 furniture (HWD cm): 90 x 150 x 106 (with its interspace)
    • Yumizen H2500-Yumizen SPS furniture (HWD cm): 90 x 250 x 106 (if located on right end) 90 x 300 x 106 (if located elsewhere)
    • Turn module-angle (HWD cm): 90 x 106 x 106

Yumizen Track Software

Protocol: ASTM CI
Status light: 3 colors (red, orange, green) for automation status
User rights: User, Supervisor, Administrator
Languages: FR, EN (US), SP, IT, GE, PT (BRA), ZH, JP
Computer: Operating System: Linux ® Ubuntu


Altitude0-2000 m
Humidity< 85%
Noise< 60dB

100-127 / 220-240 VAC ( +/ - 10%) 50 to 60 Hz

Integrated pneumatic unit2.1 Bar
Accessibility500 mm optimal for back space
Preventive maintenance1 / Year

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* 는 필수입력항목입니다.
