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STARS Brake - Automation System
STARS Brake - Brake Testing

브레이크 테스트용 테스트 자동화 시스템

강력한 단일 환경에서 포괄적인 애플리케이션 기능을 제공하는 통합 자동화, 데이터 수집 및 제어 시스템 플랫폼입니다. STARS 브레이크는 구성 요소 개발에서 내부 구성 요소 및 시스템 검증에 이르기까지 광범위한 브레이크 테스트 애플리케이션의 요구를 충족하도록 설계되었습니다.

STARS Brake and Electrification

HORIBA has also integrated regenerative braking into STARS Brake, enabling the user to accurately reproduce realistic test conditions and simulate the in-vehicle operation these new systems have on the vehicles’ brakes. STARS Brake has the ability to incorporate the regenerative braking algorithm developed by the manufacturer, providing the user the ability to determine the effect on the brake system.

  • One platform for selection of vehicle, axle and brake parameters as well as programming and execution of tests 
  • Brake pressure, torque or deceleration control modes
  • Speed, inertia and road load simulation control
  • Time, temperature or event controlled braking cycles
  • Regenerative braking functions can be easily integrated and manipulated through familiar MS Excel table format
  • NI-DIAdem comes integrated into STARS Brake for user friendly post-test analysis and reporting



  • Operation on single dynamometer or across complete test field
  • Usage of common libraries to store and run tests for more than one project without modification



  • Intuitive user interface
  • Projects and dynamometer configurations accessible from all workstations 
  • Shared instrumentation definitions and calibration data



  • Users can program and customize their own test programs (e. g. create custom variables)
  • Customer specific regenerative braking algorithms can be integrated and fine-tuned during investigations
  • Automatic test validation, results analysis and report creation with NI-DIAdem



  • Password protection to control various user groups
  • Definition of individual access rights per user group
  • Complete brake dynamometer automation system that allows multi-day test procedures to be carried out without interruption 
  • Execution of manual or automatically operated tests. Control via a handheld unit or directly through the STARS user-interface
  • Acquisition, monitoring, visualization and reporting of measured parameters 
  • Background calculations to derive additional measurement values 
  • Brake pressure profile customization 
  • Real-time audio playback during NVH investigations 
  • Logging of events during the test, such as system messages and user entered comments 


Application examples of STARS Brake include:

  • Noise, vibration and harshness
  • Durability and performance development
  • Brake emissions measurements 
  • Water spray and mist test control
  • Climatic temperature control and ventilation system control
  • Quality checks 
  • Electric parking brake system actuation and control 
  • Brake system regeneration simulation
  • Road load simulation 

STARS Brake Application Suites

STARS Brake offers users a level of flexibility and openness that is unmatched in the market. The STARS Brake experts can provide a variety amount of well-known industry test procedures and can also develop customer specific test procedures. To eliminate test down-time all test procedures come pre-loaded on the STARS Brake workstation or can also be transferred digitally allowing the user to simply load the program. 

The HORIBA STARS Brake Application Suites consist of ‘ready-to-go’ test procedure(s) according to the relevant brake test specifications. The suites include any STARS resource which is required to run the test immediately e.g. test schedules, data loggers, display pages, limit sets and much more. The measuring data will be stored in STARS data format, as numerical DIAdem® sheets (Full Sheet) and as a standard test report or complete National Instruments DIAdem® based data evaluation.

The HORIBA Brake Application Suites include a full range of public standards for brake testing for hydraulic and pneumatic actuated disc and drum brakes. They contain performance tests as well as NVH procedures of passenger car brakes and light to heavy duty truck brakes. Additionally, HORIBA provides more than 50 application suites of well-known, global OEMs.


AK MasterPerformanceWear and Friction Behaviour
AK NoiseNVHNoise and Vibration Behaviour
SAE J2521NVHDisc and Drum Brake Dynamometer Squeal Noise Matrix
SAE J2522PerformanceDynamometer Global Brake Effectiveness
Jaso C406PerformancePassenger Car - Braking Device - Dynamometer Test Procedures
Jaso C419DurabilityPassenger Cars - Service Brake - Structural Integrity
Jaso C436PerformanceParking Brake Device Dynamometer Test Procedures
ECE R90PerformanceBraking Performance (Aftermarket-Requirement)

Note: Distribution of the Application Suites and data evaluations scripts based on specific automotive industry standards requires the permission from the owner of the relevant regulation.

DIAdem® is a registered Trademark of National Instruments Inc. USA.

Brake Dust Measurement
Brake Dust Measurement
A series of legislative measures has significantly reduced the amount of emissions that is being emitted by internal combustion engines of light and medium-duty vehicles.

제품 문의

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* 는 필수입력항목입니다.

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