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Image Enhancement

Emphasize Raman and Optical Images

LabSpec 6’s Instant Processing module allows users to create their own custom on-the-fly data processing.  When activated, the process will be applied to the data prior to display – in this way it is possible to acquire “final” data from the very beginning.

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Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA France SAS

Thus it is no longer needed to acquire data and go through time-consuming post-acquisition treatment steps.  Now acquisition and data treatment can be combined into one fluid step – as soon as the data has been acquired it is ready for analysis and report writing.

The Instant Processing module is offered with HORIBA’s own FLAT correction preloaded, but the user can add to this as many other processes as desired. Multi-step processes can be created, and multiple processes can be sequentially performed for each data acquisition, providing unlimited flexibility.

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* 는 필수입력항목입니다.

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