We not only manufacture exhaust gas measurement systems but also offer solutions for testing of key components such as engine testing, E-motor and friction brakes as well complex systems for powertrains and vehicles. In fact we go down the production chain all the way to material analysis. Moreover, we provide customers with the total support necessary for the development of the next-generation mobility solutions including electrification and technical assistance for communications and information security.
During the automotive development process a multitude of component as well as full vehicle tests are necessary in order to optimize the vehicle's behavior and comply with legislative regulations.
HORIBA제품의 자세한 정보를 원하시면, 아래의 양식에 내용을 입력을 부탁드립니다.
Brake Dynamometer for Brake Emissions Testing
Handy Gloss Checker - New
Laser Spectroscopic Motor Exhaust Gas Analyzer
Saltwater, Wet and Fog Testing for Brake Dynamometers
Chassis Dynamometer
Quantum and Image
Confocal Raman & High-Resolution Spectrometer
Chassis Dynamometer
Altitude Simulator
Altitude Simulation
Capacitance Manometer
Dual Pitot Tube Exhaust Flow Meter
Pitot Tube Exhaust Flow Meter
Motor Exhaust Gas Analyzer
Steady-State Engine Test Stand System
Low Inertia Series - AC Dynamometer
Continuous Particulate Monitor with X-ray Fluorescence
Transient Engine Test Stand System
FTIR Motor Exhaust Gas Analyzer
Dynamic Engine Test Stand System
High Torque Series - AC Dynamometer
Heavy Duty Series - AC Dynamometer
High Performance Series - AC Dynamometer
Fuel Flow Measurement
Air-to-fuel Ratio Analyzer
Motor Exhaust Gas Sulfur Analyzer