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Quantum Dots

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Quantum Dots (QDs) are nanoscale particles made of semiconductor materials. These particles exhibit quantum effects, which give them unique optical and electronic properties. The luminescence of quantum dots is a phenomenon caused by these quantum effects at the nanoscale. This luminescence allows quantum dots to emit light with a specific wavelength depending on their size. As a result, quantum dots are expected to find applications in various advanced technological fields.

Film Thickness and Quality  |  Luminescence Analysis 

Film Thickness and Quality

In the advancement of thin film technology through miniaturization, we propose solutions for achieving high film deposition control, such as in-situ evaluation during the film deposition process and evaluation of thin films at the Ångström order level.

Membrane information obtained using a spectroscopic ellipsometer

Luminescence Analysis

Quantum Dots (QDs) are nanoscale particles made of semiconductor materials. These particles exhibit so-called quantum effects, which give them unique optical and electronic properties. The luminescence of quantum dots is a unique phenomenon that is caused by quantum effects at the nanoscale. This makes it possible to emit light with a specific wavelength depending on quantum dots size, and is expected to find applications in a variety of advanced technological fields.

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Spectroscopic Ellipsometer from FUV to NIR: 190 to 2100 nm


Modular Research Fluorometer for Lifetime and Steady State Measurements


중초점 길이 이미징 분광기


Fluorescence and Absorbance Spectrometer


Steady State and Lifetime Benchtop Spectrofluorometer

Nanolog-Spectrofluorometer for Nanomaterials
Nanolog-Spectrofluorometer for Nanomaterials

Steady State and Lifetime Nanotechnology EEM Spectrofluorometer


For Single‐Walled Carbon Nanotube Excitation‐Emission Map Simulation and Analysis