DataStation is the latest measurement environment for time-domain fluorescence and is supplied with all HORIBA Scientific lifetime systems.
Lifetime systems are made up of various modules and components, including pulsed light sources, PMTs, monochromators, motorized polarizers, focusing optics, MCAs etc. DataStation integrates the control of all these components into one intuitive, mouse-driven Windows environment.
Lifetime systems can perform a variety of measurement functions, such as fluorescence decay measurement, phosphorescence decay measurement, time-resolved anisotropy measurements, steady-state spectra, time-resolved emission scan (TRES), temperature scans and more. These measurements are now routine using DataStation. Measurement templates are provided to quickly set up the instrument for the required measurement, and automated data acquisition is performed using computer controlled components.
Acquired data can be saved in a variety of formats including the .das format, HORIBA Jobin Yvon IBH v4.2, and ASCII, printed to your Windows printer, exported or copied to the clipboard for manipulation using a third-party application.
DataStation can be purchased separately for use on non-HORIBA Scientific systems, and we are happy to add custom functionality and interfacing (e.g. to additional monochromator types, motorized polarizer holders etc).
The DataStation software comes into its own when combined with a FluoroHub.
DataStation evolves continually as new functionality is added in response to customer suggestion. The following is a partial list:
- Log or linear y-axis.
- Auto scaling y-axis.
- Multiple mouse zoom modes - x only, y only, x and y, pan, reset.
- Reversed time-axis mode (automatically reverses data during reversed-TAC mode measurements).
- Live display of cursor position, peak count, peak channel and total count.
- Detachable and customizable toolbars with helpful hints.
- Context-sensitive pop-up toolbars.
- Intuitive tree navigation for files and hardware settings.
- Tree navigation control window for FluoroHub control.
- Real-time estimated average lifetime during acquisition.

TCSPC mode
- Measurement presets - peak count or elapsed time.
- Multiple traces on screen simultaneously.
TRES mode
- Configure instrument for scan operation in just a few mouse clicks.
- Scan excitation or emission monochromator.
- Records 3D data (counts vs time vs wavelength) with live 3D progress display and interactive rotation.
- Manual and automatic data slicing.
Anisotropy mode
- Target difference count.
- G-factor measurement.
MCA support
- Canberra/Tennelec PCA3.
- EG&G/Perkin Elmer Ortec Trump card.
Monochromator support
Polarizer support
- HORIBA Scientific 5000U-02 polarizers
- PRA polarizers.
Temperature control support
- HORIBA Jobin Yvon IBH dipstick temperature controller (as accessory to HORIBA Scientific 5000 series system only).
- Cryostat (as accessory to HORIBA Scientific 5000 series system only).
System Requirements
The following PC specification are required to run DataStation. Measurement functionality depends on spectrometer hardware attached. Basic operation requires a supported MCA card or FluoroHub. Contact HORIBA Scientific for more information.
1 Gb RAM, 1 Gb HD space, DVD drive, 1024x768 graphics with minimum 256 color support, mouse or other pointing device. Windows™ XP or later (XP/Vista/7). Windows™ XP recommended.