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9418-10C Micro ToupH electrode (for low-volume samples)

9418-10C Micro ToupH electrode (for low-volume samples)

This glass-body, refillable pH electrode can measure samples as low as 50µL.

  • Compatible with extremely small sample containers (e.g., microtubes)
  • Temperature sensor is placed beside the bulb for quick response
  • Waterproof
事業セグメント: Scientific
製造会社: HORIBA Advanced Techno Co., Ltd.
pH Range0 to 14
Temperature Range0 to 60
Liquid JunctionCeramic
Cable 1m
Overall Length151.5mm
Diameter12mm, 3mm
Filling Solution

525-3 or 300 (3.33M KCl)

Determination of pH in Non-Aqueous Solutions
Determination of pH in Non-Aqueous Solutions
A simple extraction procedure using water is recommended for measuring the pH of non-aqueous solutions containing water-immiscible solvents.


* 項目は必ずご記入ください。

水・液体計測 HORIBAグループ企業情報