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Spectroscopic Ellipsometry

Spectroscopic ellipsometry is a surface sensitive, non-destructive, and non-intrusive optical metrology technique widely used in the semiconductor industry to determine:

  • Film thickness
  • Roughness
  • Optical properties (n.k)
  • Optical Band Gap
  • Composition
  • Crystallinity
  • Stoichiometry
  • Void fraction

           For over 25 years, HORIBA has provided a wide range of spectroscopic ellipsometers with unique features. They are used to determine with a great accuracy  the film thickness and optical properties of Oxides, Nitrides, Thin Conductive oxide, compound and organic semiconductors and many other materials.

Spectral range400-850nm190 nm-2200nm
Spot size8 spots automatically selectable3 spots manually selectable
Spot VisionYesNo
Angle of incidenceFixedVariable
Sample size8”Up to 12” depending on the options


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