Particle technology can be considered the range of studies and industrial endeavors focused on the investigation and manufacturing of particle based products. Particle characterization is one component within the field of particle technology. Other segments that fall under the umbrella of particle technology include milling, fluidized bed and other particle information operations, powder flow and rheology just to name a few. This web page attempts to provide a broader view into the field of particle technology by providing summaries and links to associated organizations, meetings and educational activities.
The AIChE sponsors 18 different forums within the organization, all focused on specific fields of study. The PTF serves as an interdisciplinary, international forum to promote information exchange, scholarship, research and education in the field of particle technology. PTF meetings address science and engineering related to all types of particle technology. PTF meetings address science and engineering related to all types of particle technologies, wet or dry, reactive or non-reactive. You do not have to be a member of AIChE to join the PTF, which charges a nominal $15 annual dues fee.
The International Fine Particles Research Institute, IFPRI, is a unique global network of companies and academics with active research programs in particle science and technology. It is a non-profit organization. The membership represents some of the world's largest manufacturing industries: bulk and specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals, minerals, construction, coatings, detergents and foods. The industry members work alongside some of the finest academic reserchers in the world in particle science and technology and other allied areas. Due from member companies fund research at academic groups around the world.
Since its inception in 1979, IFPRI has explored the whole range of particle science and technology including the formation, modification, mixing, dispersion, handling and transport of particles. The particles can range in size from nanometers to millimeters. Dispersion of particles in gases, liquids and pastes are also studied.
IFPRI Research Topics
The PTF division within AIChE sponsors multiple session at most AIChE annual meetings. Visit the AIChE website to find the listing of particle technology sessions and activities. The PTF banquet typically takes place on the Tuesday evening of the annual meeting and represents a unique opportunity to meet other colleagues devoted to this field in a social setting.
The PERC at the University of Florida in Gainesville was established in 1994 as the “NSF Engineering Research Center (ERC) for Particle Science and Technology.” The mandate for the Center was to build a bridge between industry and academia by fostering industry-related research in the area of particle science and technology. The ultimate mission of PERC is to serve mankind with the advancement of particle science and technology through applications that will improve and enhance sustainable societal well-being, including economic health, quality of life, and the environment. The overall purpose of PERC is three fold:
PERC devotes its efforts and resources to:
The educational Resource for Particle Technology (ERPT) was created by Ralph Nelson as an on-line, just-in-time, world-wide, free-of-charge source of tutorials in particle technology as a public service for the PTF. The website provides web-based tutorials on subjects including:
Laser Scattering Particle Size Distribution Analyzer
Simultaneous Multi-Laser Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)
Direct Imaging Particle Analyzer
Dynamic Image Analysis
Nanoparticle Analyzer
Centrifugal Nanoparticle Analyzer
Laser Scattering Particle Size Distribution Analyzer
BET Flowing Gas Surface Area Analyzers
BET Surface Area Analyzers
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