Graphene Studies Using Raman Spectroscopy - HORIBA
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Graphene Studies Using Raman Spectroscopy

A Raman map of a graphene sample on a SiO2/Si substrate performed using the XploRA Raman spectrometer with a 532 nm laser excitation: Multivariate analysis.

The distribution of the bi-layer (in green) and a multi-layer (in red) are easily obtained using the Classical Least Squares (CLS) fitting function of LabSpec software, to fit the spectra to user-selected “pure” spectra. Because the D band was also detected at some edges, a third spectrum representing that species was also used to fit the map (in pink).

The novel advanced material, Graphene, first report in Science in 2004, consists of single molecular layers of highly crystalline graphite. It is the basic structural element of some carbon allotropes including graphite, carbon nanotubes and fullerenes.

Distinguishing the number of graphene layers as well as quantifying the impact of disorder on its properties is critical for the study of graphene-based devices. Raman micro spectroscopy has proven to be a convenient and reliable technique for determining both of these properties.

The high structural selectivity of Raman spectroscopy, combined with both spectral and spatial resolution as well as the non-destructive nature of this technique make it an ideal candidate as a standard characterisation tool in the fast growing field of graphene.

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