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Online Analyser for Drinking Water

The UV300-5D is a pre-defined configuration of the UV300 analyser dedicated to drinking water monitoring.

It offers the possibility to monitor simultaneously FIVE parameters :
(1) Total residual chlorine    (2) Turbidity    (3) pH    (4) Conductivity    (5) Temperature
All this is done by a single unit that allows high performance measurements at a cost effective price. An automatic cleaning system maintains clean the flow cell and also make an auto-zero that guaranties the absence of long term drift.

Colorimetric DPD method : a reliable method for total residual chlorine

  • The US-EPA 330.5 (or standard methods 4500-Cl-G) DPD method is internationally recognized for its good accuracy and stability, while specific electrodes for chlorine may drift or show a sensitivity to the sample flow.
  • Other oxidising agents are also taken in account by the DPD method, that makes it the best choice method.
  • The colorimetric module has been specially developed to reach a very small volume flow cell (7ml) that reduces the quantity of reagent to preserve the environment and reduce the operating cost.
  • A multi-wavelength LED source assumes a colour and turbidity compensation with an unlimited life time. Large bore tubing avoid clogging as accumulated sediments might be a problem even on drinking water for long term operation.

Multi-Wavelenght colorimetric method principle


Turbidity by laser diode (nephelometric)

The turbidity module is based on a high stability laser diode to reach low level of detection as required for drinking water. The automatic cleaning system allows to perform an auto-zero once per day to guaranty the absence of drift on long term. It avoid also the accumulation of sediments that may perturb the measurement. The laser diode could be either a red visible model to ease the maintenance and troubleshooting, or a infra-red model to follow the ISO 7027 nephelometric method at 860 nm.

Turbidity by laser diode principle (Nephelometric)


Patented flow cell

  • The patented flow cell allows very high level of suspended solid without clogging for all the optical measurements making it suitable for industrial and municipal waste water application. The turbidity is automatically compensated by a dual-wavelength method.
  • Suitable for sample with high chloride content
  • Wetted parts of flow cell make it suitable for most corrosive sample

Patented clogging-free flow cell


Robust industrial probes

ORP/pH probe

Conductivity probe


Multiplexing system

When different streams need to be analysed, for example inlet and outlet of a plant, an optional multiplexing system delivers relay contacts to control external electric-valves or external pumps.

Up to 6 different streams can be selected

The measuring channels can be either duplicated (each one having its own 4-20mA output or MODBUS register), or measured sequentially to fit with the maximum of 16 measuring channels (a MODBUS register indicates which stream is currently being measured).


User-friendly interface

The colour touch screen and intuitive interface available in 8 different languages (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish) makes very easy to test or configure the analyser. Many test functions allows to test and troubleshoot each element of the analysers (light signal, pumps, solenoid valves, etc...) to setup quickly a maintenance diagnostic. The complete configuration can be saved on a USB key and reload if necessary.


Low maintenance and high reliability

The RS232 port supports the MODBUS protocol to transmit each Standard channel value to a SCADA system.The design has been specially oriented for low maintenance and high reliability on the measurements. To avoid deposits on the optical windows and tubing, the UV300 has a built-in automatic cleaning system that injects a 5% sulphuric solution once per day.An auto-zero is performed at the same time to avoid any drift of the measurement. The level of the cleaning solution and reagent can be controlled at distance to plan the refill.

Complementary measurements

Complementary measurement like UV254, NO3, Colour, NH4 may be added or put in replacement of turbidity and/or chlorine parameters thank to the modular concept. Depending on the total number of parameters, UV300 or UV400 models can be used.



The RS232 port supports the MODBUS protocol to transmit each Standard channel value to a SCADA system.

Additional parameters are available like status code, error code, calibration values and pumps run time. Basic 4-20 mA output modules can be plugged on the main board for each measuring channel. A USB port enables to download on any USB key the last 5000 recorded measurements as well as a diagnostic file containing the configuration and useful information for remote troubleshooting. The new web interface makes possible to drive remotely the analyser from any computer, tablet or i-phone with a web browser. For this, an optional Wi-Fi or Ethernet module is added inside the analyser to connect it to an existing network with an internet gateway. The recorded measurements file can be imported to Excel for graphs or other treatments. The software of the analyser can be upgraded by connecting a USB key.

Online analyser for drinking water, UV300-5D - Parameter specification

ParameterStandard range
Other ranges on request
Typical Repeatability
For low values (<10% FS)
Total residual chlorine0 - 5 mg/l+/- 0.01 mg/l
Turbidity0 - 10 NTU+/- 0.02 NTU
pH0 - 14+/- 0.01 pH
Conductivity0 - 2000 μS+/- 1 μS
Dissolved oxygen (option)0 - 25 mg/l O2+/- 0.02 mg/l O2
Temperature0 - 80 °C+/- 0.1 °C


Online analyser for drinking water, UV300-5D - General specification

Sample flow0.05 - 1 l/min
Sample pressure0 - 4 Bar
Sample temperature0 - 50°C
Wet parts materialQuartz, Polypropylene, Polyethylene, FPM (viton), PMMA
Measuring time5 sec for turbidity, pH, conductivity, 2 min for chlorine
Measurement interval2 min to 720 min for chlorine, other parameters are continuous
Memory5000 lines of measurements (for all channels) with date and time
ConsumptionCleaning solution (5% sulfuric acid): 220 ml/day
Reagent for Cl2 : 0.3 ml per measurement
Maintenance intervalRecommended: 6 months to 1 year (except for refilling)
Power supply90- 264 VAC 50/60 Hz 40 VA - 12V DC 3A maxi
ScreenColour TFT LCD 320x240 pixels with LED backlight
CommunicationRS232, MODBUS or HTTP/Web interface (Windows 7 with IE9, Android with Opera, Apple i-phone with Safari)
RS485 for additional probes (DO, pH)
WI-FI (IEEE802.11B) optional
Ethernet (IEEE802.3) optional
CertificationsCE, EN 61010-1, EN 61326
ISO7027 for turbidity and US-EPA 330.5 for chlorine
EnclosureStainless steel with epoxy coating, IP65, wall mounting brackets
Dimensions420 x 360 x 200 mm
Weight14 kg approx.


Online analyser for drinking water, UV300-5D - Accessories

Output modules
Product code: MO4-20

4-20 mA output module
Isolated 4-20 mA output
Active output, Max load 500 Ohm

Output modules
Product code:MRELAY

Relay module
Contact rating: 2A/220V
Maximum 6 relays modules allowed

Product code:WIFI400

Wifi interface
Connection to wireless WIFI network
300m nominal range (open space)
Secured data transfer (WEP keys)

Product code:ETHER400

Ethernet interface
Ethernet 10 base-T (IEEE 802.3)

Product code:MTI133

Phone modem
Industrial modem 33,6 Kb/s V34+
DIN rail Mounting
Power supply 24V from the analyser

Product code:GSM

GSM modem
Dual band (EGSM 900/1800 MHz)
Integral SIM card reader
R & TTE approved

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