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nanoGPS OxyO Encoder

nanoGPS OxyO Absolute Position Encoder
nanoGPS OxyO Absolute Position Encoder Screenshot

X, Y, Θ Absolute Position Encoder

nanoGPS OxyO™ Encoder is a X, Y, Θ absolute position encoder, available as OEM or stand-alone solution from HORIBA Scientific.

nanoGPS OxyO™ technology is based on taking a picture of a patented patterned substrate, and interpreting this picture into position (x, y) and orientation (θ).

Position sensing on the HORIBA Store:

Segment: Scientific
Manufacturing Company: HORIBA Scientific

Key features

  • Snapshot determination of 3 absolute coordinates
  • Repositioning accuracy in the nm range (x, y) and 10 μrad (θ)
  • Easier to deploy and cheaper than a laser interferometer system
  • USB 3 connection, absolute position is obtained directly on PC; no need for converters, no hassle with formats
  • Position reading flexibility: performed at stand-off distance (from 3 mm up to 100 cm depending on design)
  • Reference frame with the camera and a patterned substrate as a target provide great enginering implementation flexibility (without the usual restrictions of linear and rotary encoders)
  • Can be easily installed/disinstalled, i.e. for verification or calibration operations
  • Can be used as an upgrade or retrofit of existing stage assemblies
  • In the case of a planar stage + rotation stage assemblies: cheaper and more accurate than conventional optical scale solutions
  • Coded zone: ranging from 3 mm x 3 mm to 300 mm x 300 mm or more

Typical use cases

  • Provides reliable overnight automation (repositioning accuracy less than 10nm)
  • Precise positioning and orientation of an object placed on x,y,θ stage assembly, in vacuum (observed through a window, at 20mm standoff distance)
  • When moving a part between 2 machines, allows precise repositioning of the part in each machine
  • Retrofit of a manual + piezo stage assembly with a long range position sensor
  • All actors of position sensors value chain (end-users, integrators, distributors, but also manufacturers of position sensors looking for addition to their catalogue)
  • Individual users in industry or academia

Scientific publications

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