March 2023
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Male aged 32
Sickle cell anemia
Bilirubin 7.7, INR 1.73, TTPa 1.33 RATIO. The presence of abnormal levels or immature neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes in sickle cell anemia is an immune response of the body to the disease, which may be related to frequent infections and a compromised immune system.
Neutrophils 85, Lymphocytes 10, Monocytes 2, Erythroblasts 74, Band cells 3, Anisocytosis +++, Dacrocytes, Elliptocytes, Sickle cell, Polychromasia, Howell –Jolly, Target cell.
The RDW CV and SD results make a detailed observation of the red blood cell abnormality.
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