The Immuno-Turbidimetric method measures the concentration of a protein by immunological measurements. The sample reacts with antibodies that, for example, are bound to a latex particle. The reaction is done in the antibody excess zone where the concentration of antibody is held constant and the amount of antigen–antibody complex formed depends directly on the concentration of antigen. The aggregates formed in this way cause a change in turbidity. The rate of change is detected with the absorbance delta (ΔOD) per minute, the optical curve. The intensity of turbidity change due to agglutination depends on the concentration, therefore, it requires calibration.
The agglutination between the investigated coagulation factor or product in the sample and the specific antibody starts by the addition of the reagent.
The Yumizen G range systems monitor the process of agglutination based on the change of transmitted light intensity at 570 nm for Immuno-Turbidimetric method.
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